function [p, h] = signrankp(x,y,alpha) %SIGNRANK Wilcoxon signed rank test of equality of means for %comparing samples of unequal size. % % P = SIGNRANK(X,Y,ALPHA) returns the significance probability % that the means of two samples, X and Y are equal. % X and Y need not be vectors of equal length. ALPHA is the desired % level of significance. and must be a scalar between % zero and one. % % [P, H] = SIGNRANK(X,Y,ALPHA) also returns the result of the % hypothesis test, H. H is zero if the difference in means of % X and Y is not significantly different from zero. H is one if % the two means are significantly different. % % P is the probability of observing a result equally or more % extreme than the one using the data (X and Y) if the null % hypothesis is true. If P is near zero, this casts doubt on % this hypothesis. % % Currently works for sample sizes > 25. % % see also SIGNRANK, RANKSUM % % Copyright(c): 12-Mar-2001 % if nargin < 3 alpha = 0.05; end [rowx, colx] = size(x); [rowy, coly] = size(y); if min(rowx,rowy) < 25 error('SignRankP currently only works for sample sizes > 25'); end if min(rowx, colx) ~= 1 | min(rowy,coly) ~= 1, error('SIGNRANK requires vector rather than matrix data.'); end if rowx == 1 rowx = colx; x = x'; end if rowy == 1, rowy = coly; y = y'; end if rowx == rowy, [p, h] = signrank(x,y,alpha); return end CombinedSample = [x;y]; CombinedSample(:,2) = Order(CombinedSample,2); % returns rank adjusted for non-uniqueness in 2nd col RankedX = CombinedSample(1:rowx, 1:2); RankedY = CombinedSample(rowx+1:rowx+rowy, 1:2); if rowx < rowy T1 = sum(RankedX(:,2)); T2 = rowx*(rowx + rowy + 1) - T1; T = min(T1,T2); MuT = rowx*(rowx+1)/4; SigmaT = (rowx*(rowx+1)*(2*rowx+1)/24)^.5; ZStat = (T-MuT)/SigmaT; else T1 = sum(RankedY(:,2)); T2 = rowy*(rowx + rowy + 1) - T1; T = min(T1,T2); MuT = rowy*(rowy+1)/4; SigmaT = (rowy*(rowy+1)*(2*rowy+1)/24)^.5; ZStat = (T-MuT)/SigmaT; end p = 1-normcdf(abs(ZStat)); if 1==2 %this part from singrank is not used diffxy = x - y; nodiff = find(diffxy == 0); diffxy(nodiff) = []; n = length(diffxy); [sd, rowidx] = sort(abs(diffxy)); neg = find(diffxy<0); invr(rowidx) = 1:n; % invr is the inverse of rowidx. w = sum(invr(neg)); w = min(w, n*(n+1)/2-w); if n > 15, z = (w-n*(n+1)/4)/sqrt(n*(n+1)*(2*n+1)/24); p = 2*normcdf(z,0,1); else allposs = (ff2n(n))'; idx = (1:n)'; idx = idx(:,ones(2.^n,1)); pranks = sum(allposs.*idx); tail = 2*length(find(pranks < w))+length(find(pranks == w)); % two side. p = tail./(2.^n); end end if nargout == 2, h = (p