
Most of these Matlab m-files are written by me. They have been used extensively and so should be quite robust.
If you are familiar with my Utility Library then use the LEFT column below. If you are a first time user, then browse down the RIGHT column and learn more details about the different m-files.
If you have suggestions for what might be useful generic code and doesn't exist in the public domain, e-mail me and when I have time I'll develop it for you and e-mail it back or upload it for public access. As an example, the 2 columns below were constructed automatically using MakeHTMLContents.m (see below) which uses a combination of HTML and Matlab programming knowledge to create something that is a truly useful timesaver.
I strongly suggest that you save these files in a brand new directory called C:\Matlab\Utilities\ (Windows) or /Matlab/Utilities/ (UNIX)

Purnendu (pnath.phd98@london.edu)

WARNING! If you don't have Matlab installed, and click on one of the code files, it will probably open up in this window.


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A_plus_BX A_plus_BX_plus_CXsq AlignCorrectly Alpha2Number base2decp beep BLSIMPVp BuySell BX BX_plus_CXsq catp cdd CDFPooru Clean CleanData CleanNumericBloombergData CleanOutliers CleanOutliersStd CleanOutliersWin CleanSpikes ClockElapse ClockP Combinep CombineTimeSeries CompareSize CompleteMonths ConditionalEval ConditionalMax ConditionalMin ConvertRunningToUpfrontCDS CopyFiles corrcoefoverlap corrcoefp CoSkewness CountIf CountWord Csv2Mat cumsump Datamine Datenump Datestr Dec2basep DecimalDigits DecimalPlace DirDotExt DirExtSize Einstein EinsteinCheck elapsetime Even exe ExpectationXY fgetln FGLS FileExists FileLength FindAndReplace FindNext FindNext2 finishtime FiveBetaMeanReversion Flip Frac FuzzyScreen GetBloombergDailyData GetBloombergDataByField GetBloombergHistoricData GetBloombergTickBarData GetBloombergTickData GetBloombergTickFields GetCalibrationMA GetCommonDatapoints GetConditionalCorrelation GetCS01 GetCVaR GetErrorStructure GetEWMA GetGainLossRatio GetHighSinceLastLowPrice GetItem GetKeatingShadwick GetLag GetLastHighPrice GetLastLowPrice GetLeeAndReady GetLitzenbergerRamaswamy GetLogTime GetLowSinceLastHighPrice GetMergedData GetMergedDataStats GetMonthlyFundValues GetMovingSlope GetOptimalTriggers GetOrthogonal GetPairsTradingBidAskPrices GetPerformanceStats GetPrevailingDatapoints GetSharpeRatio GetSimulationResults GetSpot GetStatsForecast GetStatsReturns GetStopLossLevel GetStopLossLevelPercent GetStopLossLevelRatio GetTradeQuantity GetTradeSimulationResults GetTriggerMA GetTriggerMeanRev GetTriggerStatArb GetTriggerTrend GetWeeklyFundValues GroupSummary Gunzip GunzipAll HasNoStar Histfitp histp HypotheticalPosition InsertInHeader interp1input Intersection InvertStockPrices IsDelayLongNuff isnegative ispositive IsSignificant JarqueBera Jumble keep Left LineLengths MA MAE MakeHTMLContents MAPE mean0p MeanSquareDistance MergeIntraDayBins Mid Mirror mkcontnt MovingAverage MovingAverageForward MovingSum MovingVariance MovingWindowFilter MPE mscan NameNSE NofCols NofRows Number2Alpha Odd OptimalPnL Order orth_nwest PackPooru PadOut PadZero PanelFGLS pausefor PDFPooru Percentile PileUpForBins PileUpIn3D PooruStats Price2Returns Randomize RemoveOutliers RemoveOutliersStd reshapep Right RMSE RMSPE Roundp save_ascii SevenBetaMeanReversion signrankp simple SimulateFutureARMAprices SimulateFutureARprices SimulateFutureGBMprices SimulateFutureMAprices SingleBetaMeanReversion SortAlphabetically SortStringArray SPACFp sql sqld Standardise StandardiseMA Str2Double Str2Doublep str2nump str2strs strcatp strim SumIf Surfp SVaR_Getbqminus SVaR_Getbrplus SVaR_Getcxie SVaR_GetDeltaijx SVaR_GetLambda_i_epsilonminus SVaR_GetLambda_i_epsilonplus SVaR_GetLambdaq SVaR_GetLambdar SVaR_GetMi SVaR_GetPsi SVaR_GetThetaik table Theil ThreeBetaMeanReversion TwoBetaMeanReversion WhereNext2 Width ZeroCoupon.m zipload zipsave

If you want more details...

You can download individual m-files by clicking on the names below, or download all in a zip file.

     out = A_plus_BX(X)
     returns X transformed in a manner
     suitable for use in
     where RHS = intecept(=A)+slope(=B)*X
     i.e. saves you the hassle of specifying:
       ones for the intercept
       the X terms
     see also: BX, A_plus_BX_plusCXsq, BX_plus_CXsq
     copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 31-October-2001
     out = A_plus_BX_plus_CXsq(X)
     returns X transformed in a manner
     suitable for use in
     where RHS = intecept(=A)+slope(=B)*X + slope(=C)*X^2
     i.e. saves you the hassle of specifying:
       ones for the intercept
       the X terms
       the X^2 terms
     see also: BX, A_plus_BX, BX_plus_CXsq
     copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 31-October-2001
     CorrectedSeries = AlignCorrectly(IncorrectSeries, CorrectSeries, FrequencyOfAlignment, FirstAlignmentAt)
     returns CorrectedSeries which is the IncorrectSeries,
     readjusted for being out of line with CorrectSeries
     e.g. if IncorrectSeries represents a trader's inventory
     created from dirty data, then this function will try and
     make up for those missing values by adjusting the entries
     at every FrequencyOfAlignment starting at FirstAlignmentAt
     Note: If CorrectSeries is longer than IncorrectSeries then
           it ignores the last few of CorrectSeries.
           If CorrectSeries is shorter than IncorrectSeries then
           it keeps the last few of IncorrectSeries unchanged.
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 2-12-2000
     Alpha2Number('letter') returns the position in the
     English alphabet of 'letter'.
     Not cASe-sENsitiVe.
     if letter is a number {e.g. 5}
     then 30+letter {e.g. 35} is returned
     see also Number2Alpha
     Copyright(c):  PNath@London.edu 8/12/00
    BASE2DEC Convert base B string to decimal integer.
       BASE2DEC(S,B) converts the string number S of base B into its 
       decimal (base 10) equivalent.  B must be an integer
       between 2 and 62. 
       If S is a character array, each row is interpreted as a base B string.
          base2dec('212',3) returns 23
     Copyright (c) PNath@London.edu 19-July-2000
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 1.13 $  $Date: 1997/11/21 23:47:04 $
       Douglas M. Schwarz, 18 February 1996
     Purnendu's version of BLSIMPV that does not use the Matlab
     provided optimization routines that use "inline" which is
     not permitted for COM object construction.
     Purnendu's technique actually solves for the optimal (implied
     volatility) point by iteration in the code itself.
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu,   June-2004
     out = BuySell(Action, BuyCode, SellCode)
     returns +1 or -1 depending on whether the
     Action matches BuyCode(1) or SellCode(-1)
     If there is no match, 0 is returned.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-12-2000
     out = BX(X)
     returns X transformed in a manner
     suitable for use in
     where RHS = slope(=B)*X
     i.e. saves you the hassle of specifying:
       the X terms
     see also: A_plus_BX, A_plus_BX_plusCXsq, BX_plus_CXsq
     copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 31-October-2001
     out = BX_plus_CXsq(X)
     returns X transformed in a manner
     suitable for use in
     where RHS = slope(=B)*X + slope(=c)*X^2
     i.e. saves you the hassle of specifying:
       the X terms
       the X^2 terms
     see also: BX, A_plus_BX, A_plus_BX_plus_CXsq
     copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 31-October-2001
     out = catp(DIM,A,B,[PadWith])
     works similarly to CAT for DIM > 0
     but for DIM=0
     appends B along the diagonal of A
              [ A  0  ]
        out = [ 0  B  ]
     e.g. catp(0,rand(3,3),rand(2,2))
     and for DIM=-X appends along dimension X allowing
     for unequal sizes.  Unexpected spaces are padded with
     PadWith (default=0) where required.  Works for DIM=-1,-2,-3.
      X = [-1 -3]   Y = [-4]
          [-2  5]
      catp(-1,X,Y) produces
          [-1 -3]
          [-2  5]
          [-4   ]         
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 18-Oct-2001
          revised: PNath@London.edu 25-Jan-2002
     CDD    Change directories using the wildcard *
       Change directories using * as a wildcard in the search 
       directory string name.  The wildcard (*) may be placed either
       at the beginning or end of the search string.  Only a 
       single wildcard (*) is allowed.
       CDD .. moves to the parent directory of the current one.
       CDD, by itself, displays the current working directory.
       WD = CDD returns the current directory in the string WD.
       The functional form of CDD, such as CDD('DirectoryWildcard'),
       may be used when the target directory specification is 
       stored in the string DirectoryWildcard.
       For example, to change to directory TargetDirectory,
           CDD Tar*  or  CDD *dire  or  CDD *tory 
       CDD is case sensitive, but insensitive to the occurrence of 
       spaces in the name of the target directory so that 
           CDD Pro*  or  CDD *File
       changes to the directory "Program Files".
       Created by A. Prasad
       Updated 8 May 1999
       See also CD, PWD
     function CDF = CDFPooru(Returns,NoOfBins)
     returns 2 columns...
        col 1 = bins (upper-end of data bin)
        col 2 = the numerical Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
     ... for the dataseries Returns.
     NoOfBins [default=min(20,length(Returns)]
     and the first bin is always zero.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 11-Feb-2002
     CleanMatrixOut = Clean(DirtyMatrixIn,[ErrorFlag])
     sets all NaN and -/+Inf in DirtyMatrixIn to 
     ErrorFlag [default=0] and returns CleanMatrixOut
     e.g. Clean(Array,9999999) will set any Inf and NaN
           in Array to 9999999
     e.g. Clean(Array) will set any Inf and NaN
           in Array to 0
     see also: CLEANDATA
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 19-Dec-2000
     amended: PNath@London.edu 12-June-2001
     CleanedMatrix = CleanData(DirtyMatrix,DIM,NumberOfEndElements,AverageOver,AverageDirection,HaveDelisted,Dirt)
     returns a CleanedMatrix by working on DirtyMatrix which is
     expected to contain (e.g. time series) data along dimension
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     but some elements of which have Dirt [default=0] (e.g. missing prices).
     The user may specify:
     NumberOfEndElements [default=1] from the end over which each series is
     examined, to judge that there is indeed trading after missing
     data (e.g. the stock hasn't been delisted).  The function checks
     that the average over the last NumberOfEndElements days is not zero,
     and in such a case, works on that column.
     The [default=1] number (AverageOver) of previous/future days that the function should
     average over to replace zero values.  It uses the direction
     specified by AverageDirection.
     AverageDirection =
     -1 [default] (=> use AverageOver historic values for averaging)
     +1 (=> use AverageOver future values for averaging)
      0 (=> use AverageOver historic and AverageOver future values for averaging)
     If HaveDelisted=0 [default] CleanData will not work on those vectors which
     have zeros just before the sample period ends.
     If you have such vectors then set HaveDelisted=1.  In this case the
     argument NumberOfEndElements is ignored and the cleaning is only done
     between the first and last non-zero elements of each vector.
     see also:  CLEAN
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 29-Dec-2000
     improved for Bond data on 1-Nov-2001
     BloombergData = CleanNumericBloombergData({Data},[ErrorFlag]) 
     returns in a cellarray the {Data} cleaned
     i.e. '#N/A N.A.' returned as ErrorFlag [default=NaN].
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu
      = CleanOutliers(DirtyData,DIM,DirtIn,ReturnDirtAs,...
     returns CleanedData by cleaning DirtyData
     The cleaning process:
      - works along dimension DIM (default = 2 i.e. data in columns).
      - for column/row DirtIn (default = 1 i.e. first column/row).
      - replaces outliers with ReturnDirtAs.
      - CleanIntraDay=1 (default=0) specifies that each day in the
          data should be cleaned independently of other days.
      - if CleanIntraDay=1 then the column(row) with the timestamp
          in Matlab format needs to be specified (default=1).
      - FilterMethod specifies the cleaning technique:
          'STD'[default] :type "help CleanOutliersStd" for more info
          'WIN'          :type "help CleanOutliersWin" for more info
      - Threshold is the filter level and works differently for
          different FilterMethods. 
              Default = 3   when FilterMethod = 'STD'
                      = 0.1 when FilterMethod = 'WIN'
      - ZerosAreData = 1 (default=1) implies that zeros in the data
          are authentic observations and should be included in the
     e.g. CleanOutliers(DirtyData,1,2,300,1,5,'WIN',0.1,0)
          This will return CleanedData by first noting that
           - the data is in rows
           - that the dirt to be cleaned is in the 2nd row
           - the dirt should be replaced by the value 300
           - the cleaning will be done intraday
           - using the 5th row as the row which has the timestamps
           - the FilterMethod 'WIN' will be used to remove spikes
           - wherever an observation is more than 10% away (on either
              side of the previous observation
           - and zeros in the data (2nd row) are to be ignored and
              not returned
     NOTE:  If you would like to remove the dirt completely rather than
              replace it with a specified value, then set ReturnDirtAs = []
     see also:  CleanOutliersStd, CleanOutliersWin
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 3-August-2001
     CleanedData = CleanOutliersStd(DirtyData,DIM,DirtIn,ReturnDirtAs,Threshold)
     returns CleanedData by cleaning DirtyData
     The cleaning process:
      - works along dimension DIM (default = 2 i.e. data in columns)
      - for column/row DirtIn (default = 1 i.e. first column/row)
      - and replaces "dirty" elements with ReturnDirtAs (default = 0)    
      - "dirt" is defined as those observations greater than
          Threshold * StandardDeviations away from the Mean
      - Threshold (default = 3 i.e. a 3-std_deviation band on either
                            side of the mean)
     NOTE: To remove "dirty" data completely, set ReturnDirtAs = []
     e.g. CleanOutliersStd(DirtyData,1,5,[],2) will work on the fifth
          column and throw away all rows that are more than
          2 standard deviations from the mean, returning the
          "cleaned" array.
     see also:  CleanOutliersStd, CleanOutliers
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 3-Aug-2001
     CleanedData = CleanOutliersWin(DirtyData,DIM,DirtIn,ReturnDirtAs,Threshold)
     returns CleanedData by cleaning DirtyData
     The cleaning process:
      - works along dimension DIM (default = 2 i.e. data in columns)
      - for column/row DirtIn (default = 1 i.e. first column/row)
      - and replaces "dirty" elements with ReturnDirtAs (default = 0)    
      - "dirt" is defined as those observations which appear as spikes
         greater than the previous_observation by Threshold percent.
      - Threshold (default = 0.1 i.e. a 10% spike)
     NOTE: To remove "dirty" data completely, set ReturnDirtAs = []
         : If there are 2 adjacent outliers they will not be treated
           as dirt.
     e.g. CleanOutliersWin(DirtyData,1,5,[],1.2) will work on the fifth
          column and throw away all rows that have a spike in price 
          more 20% from the previous price 
     see also:  CleanOutliers, CleanOutliersStd
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 3-Aug-2001
     this currently does a rough job.... need to improve it
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     ElapsedTime = ClockElapse(TimeInSeconds) 
     This function, returns the TimeInSeconds in the
     format "3-days 21-hrs 14-mins 3 secs"
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 16-August-01
     OutTime = ClockP 
     There are no input arguments.
     This function, returns the time in the
     format "11-Jul-2001 21:07:49"
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 11-July-01
    NewVariableSameName = COMBINEP(VariableName, filename, Direction, path)
     allows you to combine a variable in the current workspace
     with a different instance of the same variable name saved in
     filename (path is optional).
     Best to use as follows:
     say a = rand(10,10)
     and say file 'zeros' saved on 'D:\PhD Stuff\Matlab\Data'
     contains a different instance of 'a' e.g. a = zeros(10, 10)
     then, using:
     >> a = combinep(a, 'v', 'random', 'D:\PhD Stuff\Matlab\Data')
     will return
     a = 20 x 10 array   of   [rand(10,10) ; zeros(10,10)]
     This is perfect to use when you run a routine several times and
     have saved the variable under a different filename each time.
     Normally, if you use load, the variable in the workspace gets
     over-written by the loaded variable.  It also makes you lose
     the opportunity to append the 2 variables together.
     If you use COMBINEP, you can get around the problem.
     using Direction = 'v' or 'V' concatenates vertically
     using Direction = 'h' or 'H' concatenates horizontally
     see also   COMBINE
     written by:  PNath@London.edu  27/2/00
     NewMaster = CombineTimeSeries(Master, DIM, NewTimeSeries, DefaultValues)
     adds NewTimeSeries to Master in appended column (DIM=1)
     blanks in original Master and blanks in NewTimeSeries
     are buffered with DefaultValues in NewMaster
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu 6-Sep-2004
     SameSize = CompareSize(A,B)
            SameSize = 1 if A and B are of the same size
            SameSize = 0 otherwise
     see also:  SIZE
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu
     NoOfMonths = CompleteMonths(DateStart, DateEnd)
     Gives you the number of complete months
     between DateStart and DateEnd
     useful for actuaries
     Copyright(c): Purnendu Nath (PNath@London.edu) Nov-2002
     evaluation = ConditionalEval(Matrix,Dim,EvalCommand,[Condition1],[Condition2],[Condition3])
     is the generic form of COUNTIF, SUMIF, ConditionalMax/Min
     The user specifies what type of EvalCommand is required e.g. 'count', 'mean'
     i.e. it returns the Evaluation of elements along dimension Dim (1 or 2)
     of a 2-D or 3-D Matrix that satisfy between zero and 3 conditions.
     DIM = 1 => eval of elements down each column
     DIM = 2 => eval of elements along each row
     e.g. a = 10*rand(10,10)
        SumOfNumberGreaterThan0 = ConditionalEval(a,1,'sum');
        SumOfNumberGreaterThan3 = ConditionalEval(a,1,'sum','>3');
        SumOfNumberBetween3and8 = ConditionalEval(a,1,'sum','>3','<8');
     see also SUMIF, SUM, FIND, ConditionalMin
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 28-Nov-2002
     maximum = ConditionalMax(Matrix,Dim,[Condition1],[Condition2],[Condition3])
     works similar to COUNTIF in Microsoft Excel
     i.e. it returns the Maximum of elements along dimension Dim (1 or 2)
     of a 2-D or 3-D Matrix that satisfy between zero and 3 conditions.
     DIM = 1 => max of elements down each column
     DIM = 2 => max of elements along each row
     e.g. a = 10*rand(10,10)
        MaximumNumberGreaterThan0 = ConditionalMax(a,1,);
        MaximumNumberGreaterThan3 = ConditionalMax(a,1,'>3');
        MaximumNumberBetween3and8 = ConditionalMax(a,1,'>3','<8');
     see also SUMIF, SUM, FIND, ConditionalMin
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 28-Nov-2002
     minimum = ConditionalMin(Matrix,Dim,[Condition1],[Condition2],[Condition3])
     works similar to COUNTIF in Microsoft Excel
     i.e. it returns the minimum of elements along dimension Dim (1 or 2)
     of a 2-D or 3-D Matrix that satisfy between zero and 3 conditions.
     DIM = 1 => min of elements down each column
     DIM = 2 => min of elements along each row
     e.g. a = 10*rand(10,10)
        MinimumNumberGreaterThan0 = ConditionalMin(a,1,);
        MinimumNumberGreaterThan3 = ConditionalMin(a,1,'>3');
        MinimumNumberBetween3and8 = ConditionalMin(a,1,'>3','<8');
     see also SUMIF, SUM, FIND, ConditionalMax
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 28-Nov-2002
     out = ConvertRunningToUpfrontCDS(CDS_Spread_Annual, Recovery, PremiumFrequency, RiskfreeRate, CDSMaturityForQuote, TimeRemaining)
     CDS_Spread_Annual = 0.03 i.e. 300bp
     Recovery = 0.4 i.e. 40% recovery
     PremiumFrequency = 0.25 i.e. quarterly premia
     RiskfreeRate = 0.035 i.e. 3.5%
     CDSMaturityForQuote = 5 i.e. 5 year benchmark quote
     TimeRemaining = 4.8 i.e. you want the value of a CDS
                     that has only 4.8 years left to run.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 11-Sep-2003
     CorrelationCoefficent = corrcoefoverlap(Series1, Series2, DIM, NoOverlapFlag)
     if DIM = 1 [default] i.e. each series is in a column
     assumes that each SeriesX data of the form
     [Time Data] i.e. Series1=[Time1 Data1] and Series2=[Time2 Data2]
     and then returns the "no nonsense" correlation coefficent
     between Data1 and Data2 where these two series overlap in Time1/2.
     if DIM = 2 i.e. each series is in a row
     assumes that each SeriesX data of the form
     [Time]              [Time1]             [Time2]
     [Data] i.e. Series1=[Data1] and Series2=[Data2]
     and then returns the "no nonsense" correlation coefficent
     between Data1 and Data2 where these two series overlap in Time1/2.
     This function is ideal for when you have two different time-series
     that do not overlap in time perfectly and you want the correlation 
     based on the sub-samples that do overlap.
     If there happens to be no overlap in time, the NoOverlapFlag (default=999999)
     chosen by the user is returned.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 1-November-2002
     CorrelationCoefficent = corrcoefp(Series1, Series2)
     returns the "no nonsense" correlation coefficent
     between Series1 and Series2 i.e element (2,1) of
     corrcoef(Series1, Series2)
     a 2-fields struct is returned
       corr                e.g. 0.3
       tstat (of corr)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 19-December-2000
       amended Sep-2004 to include t-stat
     as defined by Harvey & Siddique (Journal of Finance, 2000)
     FundReturn = intercept + Beta*MarketReturn + Gamma*Resid_Of_MarketSq_on_Market
     MarketReturn = Tx1
     FundReturns = TxN
     result is a structure of the form:
             results.meth      = 'ols'
             results.intercept = intercept {1xN}
             results.beta      = Beta {1xN}
             results.gamma     = Gamma {1xN}
             results.tstat     = t-stats {3xN}
             results.rsqr      = rsquared {1xN}
             results.rbar      = rbar-squared {1xN}
             results.dw        = Durbin-Watson Statistic {1xN}
             results.nobs      = nobs {1xN}
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 22-May-2002
     total = CountIf(Matrix,Dim,[Condition1],[Condition2],[Condition3])
     works similar to COUNTIF in Microsoft Excel
     i.e. it returns the number of elements along dimension Dim (1 or 2)
     of a 2-D or 3-D Matrix that satisfy between zero and 3 conditions.
     DIM = 1 => counts elements down each column
     DIM = 2 => counts elements along each row
     e.g. a = 10*rand(10,10)
        NumbersGreaterThan0 = CountIf(a,1,);
        NumbersGreaterThan3 = CountIf(a,1,'>3');
        NumbersBetween3and8 = CountIf(a,1,'>3','<8');
     see also SUMIF, SUM, FIND
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 29-Dec-2000
     NumberOfOccurences = CountWord(Filename, Word)
     returns the number of occurences of the string Word
     in the file Filename.
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu   Dec-2002
     Csv2Mat(csvfilename, matfilename, [csvdir], [matdir])
     loads in csvfilename from path=csvdir [default is current working dir]
     and saves as Matlab variable matfilename in file=matfilename
     in path=matdir [default is csvdir]
     e.g.  csv2mat(Trades, 'GovPXdata.csv')
     saves data in GovPXdata.csv as a Matlab variable Trades
     in a file called Trades.mat in the current working directory.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 28-Dec-2000
     out = cumsump(Array, DIM)
     is like cumsum but in addition allows
     DIM to be negative which effectively
     does the summing up from the "other end"
     e.g. a =  1     2     3     4
              100    99    98    97
     cumsump(a,1) = cumsum(a,1)
      =  1     2     3     4
        101   101   101   101
     cumsump(a, -1)
        101   101   101   101
        100    99    98    97
     Copyright(c): pnath.phd98@london.edu; 16-April 2004
     DatamineResults = Datamine(endogenous, exogenous, Max_Number_Exogenous, AlwaysX, YesIntercept, method)
     carries out regression:
           endogenous = intercept + Beta*AlwaysX + Gamma*exogenous2
     where (AlwaysX and exogenous2) = exogenous
            [intercept Beta-x1 Betacoeff-x2 .... Beta-xN ...  
             ... tstat-intercept tstat-x1 tstat-x2 .... tstat-xN...
              ... Nobs Nvars R-Square R-bar-Sq
             intercept Beta-x1 Betacoeff-x2 .... Beta-xN ...  
             ... tstat-intercept tstat-x1 tstat-x2 .... tstat-xN...
              ... Nobs Nvars R-Square R-bar-Sq
             etc...                                                 ]
     for all possible combinations of exogenous2 variables
     taking upto a maximum of Max_Number_Exogenous variables
     if you want to do all possible combinations then just
     set Max_Number_Exogenous to be a large number.
     use AlwaysX to indicate which columns should always be on the RHS
     and only the rest of them will be used in various combinations.
     If you want to take various combinations of all columns then 
     set AlwaysX = []
     use YesIntercept = 0 [default=1] if you don't want an intercept
         (e.g. your exogenous data already contains it)
     method = 'ols' => do OLS [default]
              'probit' => do PROBIT
     when ols is used R-Square and R-bar-Sq is as "usual".
     for probit R-Square = Estrella R^2
                R-bar-Sq = McFadden pseudo-R^2
     e.g. datamine(y,x,2, [1 3], 'ols')
          will do OLS on y = a + Beta*z + Gamma*x[1 3]
          where z is the range of combinations of x
          not including x(1) x(3) which are always included
     Note: if you set AlwaysX = 1:#-exogenous you get the same
           result as doing the single regression on all vars.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 21-Jan-2001
     out = DATENUMP(DateNumber,OptionNumber)
     makes up for the deficiency in the standard
     DATENUM function to allow for a date input
     in the number format YYYYMMDD
     or string format "YYYYMMDD".
     'out' is then a date of the format depending on
       OptionNumber = 1 => out = [Year Month Day]
       OptionNumber = 2 => out = Matlab date integer <-- DEFAULT
       OptionNumber = 'x' or 'X' => out = Excel date integer
     written by:  PNath@London.edu
    DATESTR String representation of date.
       DATESTR(D,DATEFORM) converts a serial data number D (as returned by
       DATENUM) into a date string.  The string is formatted according to the
       format number or string DATEFORM (see table below).  By default,
       DATEFORM is 1, 16, or 0 depending on whether D contains dates, times
       or both. Date strings with 2 character years are interpreted to be
       within the 100 years centered around the current year.
       DATESTR(D,DATEFORM,PIVOTYEAR) uses the specified pivot year as the
       starting year of the 100-year range in which a two-character year
       resides.  The default pivot year is the current year minus 50 years.
       DATEFORM = -1 uses the default format.
       DATEFORM number   DATEFORM string         Example
          0             'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS'   01-Mar-1995 15:45:17 
          1             'dd-mmm-yyyy'            01-Mar-1995  
          2             'mm/dd/yy'               03/01/95     
          3             'mmm'                    Mar          
          4             'm'                      M            
          5             'mm'                     3            
          6             'mm/dd'                  03/01        
          7             'dd'                     1            
          8             'ddd'                    Wed          
          9             'd'                      W            
         10             'yyyy'                   1995         
         11             'yy'                     95           
         12             'mmmyy'                  Mar95        
         13             'HH:MM:SS'               15:45:17     
         14             'HH:MM:SS PM'             3:45:17 PM  
         15             'HH:MM'                  15:45        
         16             'HH:MM PM'                3:45 PM     
         17             'QQ-YY'                  Q1-96        
         18             'QQ'                     Q1           
         19             'dd/mm/yyyy'             01/03/1995
         20             'dd/mm/yy'               01/03/95
         21             'mm/dd/yyyy'             03/01/1995
         22             'yyyymmdd'               19950301
         23             'yymmdd'                 950301
         24             'yyyyMMddHHmm'           199503011545
       See also DATE, DATENUM, DATEVEC.
       amended by: PNath@London 15/3/00
       amended by: PNath.PhD98@london.edu on 25-Sep-04 to include DATEFORM=24
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 1.20 $  $Date: 1998/08/12 13:30:37 $
    DEC2BASE Convert decimal integer to base B string.
       DEC2BASE(D,B) returns the representation of D as a string in
       base B.  D must be a non-negative integer smaller than 2^52
       and B must be an integer between 2 and 36.  
       DEC2BASE(D,B,N) produces a representation with at least N digits.
           dec2basep(23,3) returns '212' 
           dec2basep(23,3,5) returns '00212'
     Copyright (c) PNath@London.edu 19-July-2000
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 1.8 $  $Date: 1997/11/21 23:47:11 $
     written by Douglas M. Schwarz
     Eastman Kodak Company
     18 February 1996
     out = DecimalPlace(Data, FromPosition, ToPosition)
     returns the digits in the decimal places
     specified by FromPosition [default=1] upto ToPosition [default=2]
     e.g. decimaldigits(-33.123456789,3,5) returns 345
     Can also retrieve numbers on the LHS of the
     decimal point by using -ve Position
     e.g. decimaldigits(4321.1234,-2,-4) returns 432
     see also DecimalPlace, ROUNDP, ROUND, FLOOR, CEIL, FIX, ROUNDOFF
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 19-October-2001
     out = DecimalPlace(Data, Position)
     returns the digit in the decimal place
     specified by Position [default=1]
     e.g. decimalplace(-33.123456789,8) returns 8
     Can also retrieve numbers on the LHS of the
     decimal point by using -ve Position
     e.g. decimalplace(4321.1234,-2) returns 2
     see also DecimalDigits, ROUNDP, ROUND, FLOOR, CEIL, FIX, ROUNDOFF
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-June-2001
     filelist = DirDotExt(Extension,[DataSourcePath],[StartSearch], [NoOfChars], [MakeUpper])
      returns the list of files:
      - in path "DataSourcePath" (default = current directory)
      - with extension "Extension"
      - looking in the filenames from character 
          position StartSearch to position
     The default is to search through the entire length of the filenames.
     e.g. DirDotExt('TRD') will list all the files
      with the string "TRD" in the name in the current directory.
      i.e. it will find  alpha.TRD or TRD.alp
     e.g. If you want to list all the *.zip files only, then use
     e.g. DirDotExt('TRD',cd,1,3) will search for the string
       'TRD' in the first 3 characters in the current working directory.
     Copyright: (c) PNath@London.edu 21-July-2000
     [Filenames, Filesizes] = DirExtSize(Extension, DataSourcePath)
      returns the list of filenames and filesizes (in bytes):
      - in path "DataSourcePath" (default = current directory)
      - with extension "Extension"
     e.g. DirExtSize('TRD') will list all the files
      of the form *.TRD in the current directory
     e.g. [x, y] = DirExtSize('GTF', cd) will return in
     x = all the filenames
     y = the corresponding filesizes (in bytes)
     Copyright: (c) PNath@London.edu 13-July-2001
     first check that the green house is not on the extreme right
     prints, to the screen, a line like:
     "Elapsed time: 3-days 21-hrs 14-mins 3 secs"
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 16-Aug-01
     out = odd(number)
         returns 1 if an odd integer
         returns 0 otherwise
     Copyright:  PNath@London.edu   04-June-2000
     EXE Execute script using wildcard *
        EXE ScriptWildCard   determines the closest match between
        ScriptWildcard and all M-files in current directory and
        executes the targeted script file.
        For example, the usage
            EXE TargetSc*
        to execute the script TargetScriptFile.  EXE is case 
        sensitive and the wildcard (*) is placed at the end of the 
        search string ScriptWildCard.
        EXE can be used only with those script files which do not 
        have an input or an output argument list.
        Created by A. Prasad
        Updated 10 May 1999
        See also RUN
     returns E(XY) = E(X)E(Y) + Cov(X,Y)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 22-May-2002
     LINEIS = fgetln(fid, N) returns the Nth line from
     the current position in the text file with file-id "fid"
     written by:  PNath@London.edu 27/2/00
     results = FGLS (Y, X, MaximumLag,Threshold)
     Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) estimation
     for the multivariate model
       Y = X*B + E,  mean(E) = 0,  cov(vec(E)) = (s^2)*O
     with Y ...  T x NoOfY      As usual, each row of Y and X is an observation
          X ...  T x k      and each column a variable.
          B ...  k x NoOfY
          E ...  T x NoOfY
          O ... T*NoOfY x T*NoOfY.
     RESULTS has the structure:
      results.meth  = 'fgls'
      results.beta  = GLS estimator for B.
      results.sige  = GLS estimator for s^2
      results.resid = matrix of GLS residuals
      results.p     = p of AR(p) of residuals from
      results.O     = O
      results.tstat = t-stats
      results.dw    = Durbin-Watson Statistic
     The matrix of autocorrelations O is estimated by this
     function by making calls to SPACFP(X,MaximumLag,Threshold)
     to ascertain the p of AR(p) within the O.
     MaximumLag [default] = 5
     Threshold [default] = 2
     see also GLS, SPACFP, PanelFGLS, GetErrorStructure
     Copied from GLS of Copyright (C) 1996 John W. Eaton
     which was originally a part of Octave.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-Oct-2001
     out = FileExists(Filename, [DataSourcePath])
      returns 1 if Filename exists in the DataSourcePath (optional)
      returns 0 if it does not
     e.g. FileExists('Trades') will check to see if the file
     'Trades' is in the current working directory (default option)
     Copyright: (c) PNath@London.edu 11-Dec-2000
     out = FileLength(Filename)
     outputs to the screen the number of lines in file Filename
     see also LINELENGTHS
    Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 9-12-2000
     StringOut = FindAndReplace(StringIn,ReplaceFrom,ReplaceTo)
     returns StringOut after replacing in String any
     occurences of ReplaceFrom with ReplaceTo
     e.g. FindAndReplace('the quick brown fox...
              the quick brown fox','brown','red')
      'the quick red fox the quick red fox'
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 10-August-2001
     LINEIS = findnext(fid, startat, endat, findstring)
     returns the next line at which it found "findstring"
     at position range [startat, endat]
     in the text file with file-id "fid"
     see also:  FINDNEXT2, FGETLN, GETITEM
     written by:  PNath@London.edu 27/2/00
     LINEIS = findnext2(fid, startat, endat, findstring, startat2, endat2, findstring2)
     returns the next line at which it found "findstring" or "findstring2"
     at position range [startat, endat] and [starat2, endat2] respectively
     in the text file with file-id "fid"
     written by:  PNath@London.edu 27/2/00
     prints, to the screen, a line like:
     "Completed at 11-Jul-2001 21:06:02"
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 11-July-01
     [Eta, EtaTstat, RSquare, HalfLife, XNobs] = FiveBetaMeanReversion(TimeSeriesMatrix3D,Boundaries,Stack)
     returns the mean reversion coefficients Eta (5x1 col vector)
     the implied half lives (5x1 col vector) HalfLife
     for a "five beta" mean reversion model.
     Also returns the t-stat of Eta: EtaTstat (5x1 col vector)
     as well as the number of observations in each "band" in XNobs
     Delta_I(t) = a + Eta1*I(t-1)+ Eta2*I(t-1)+ Eta3*I(t-1)
                   + Eta4*I(t-1) + Eta5*I(t-1)+ error_term
     assumes TimeSeriesMatrix3D has STANDARDISED INVENTORIES in
      Days(rows) x Gilts(cols) x MarketMakers (sheets)
     the 5-betas are defined by Boundaries (1x4) or (4x1)
     e.g. Boundaries = [-2 -1 1 2]
         => Band:1                x < -2*StdDev
            Band:2    -2*StdDev < x < -1*StdDev
            Band:3    -1*StdDev < x < +1*StdDev
            Band:4    +1*StdDev < x < +2*StdDev
            Band:5    +2*StdDev < x
     Stack = 0 => [default] return individual gilt figures
           = 1 => stack all gilts/GEMMs
     Does Newey-West with 5 lags.
     >> x = [0.01:0.001:100];
     >> [E,Et,RSq,HL] = FiveBetaMeanReversion(sin(500*x'),[-1.3 -1 1 1.3])
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 25-Jan-2001
     FlippedBox = Flip(Box,NewFrontIs)  
     takes a Box (3-D Array) as shown
          /                  /|
         /        TOP       / |
        /                  /  |
       /__________________/   |
       |            :     | S |
       | ..... rows....   | I |
       |            :     | D |
       |           cols   | E |
       |   FRONT    :     |   |
       |                  |  / 
       |                  | /
     and for NewFrontIs = 'TOP' [default] flips it down
     so that the TOP becomes the FRONT i.e.
          /                  /|
         /        BACK      / |
        /                  /  |
       /__________________/   |
       |            :     |   |
       | ..... rows....   |   |
       |            :     |SIDE
       |           cols   |   |
       |     TOP    :     |   |
       |                  |  / 
       |                  | /
     for NewFrontIs = 'SIDE' rotates it east-->west so that
     the SIDE becomes the FRONT i.e.
          /                  /|
         /        TOP       / |
        /                  /  |
       /__________________/   |
       |            :     |   K
       | ..... rows....   |  C|
       |    S       :     | A |
       |    I      cols   |B  |
       |    D       :     |   |
       |    E             |  / 
       |                  | /
     This is useful to use in conjuction with mean0p
     (type > help mean0p) if your intraday data is sliced
     into, say, hourly time slots (along the 3rd DIM) and
     some of them have zeros and you want to find a
     daily average ignoring the 3rd dimension.
     see also: MIRROR
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 4-March-2001
     out = frac(DecimalNumber)
     returns the decimal (fractional) part
     the DecimalNumber.
     e.g. frac(3.3) = 0.3
     e.g. frac(-3.3) = -0.3
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 24-10-2000
     FuzzyScreen is a ....
     silly program that just asks you how many pixels you want along each
     axis of the screen and then creates an NxN pixel screen with random
     colours and changes the colours sequentially as many times as you ask it
     A waste of time product developed by:  PNath@LBS.ac.uk
     function BloombergData = GetBloombergDailyData(Ticker, Field, StartDate, EndDate)
     e.g. spx = getbloombergdailydata('SPX Index', 'PX_LAST', today-1000, today);
     to see the list of valid 'Fields' type "load @bloomberg/bbfields" and
     examine the variable 'bbfieldnames'.
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu,  Sep-2004
     BloombergData = GetBloombergDataByField( {Tickers} , {Fields} ) 
     returns in a cellarray the Field values for each Ticker
     Tickers needs to be a cellarray
     Fields needs to be a cellarray
     e.g. Tickers = {'IBS US Equity', 'BAY LN Equity'}
          Fields = {'NAME', 'Last Price', 'PX_BID', 'PX_ASK'}
     BloombergData = GetBloombergHistoricData(Tickers,Fields) 
     returns in a cellarray the Field values for each Ticker
     Tickers needs to be a cellarray
     Fields needs to be a cellarray
     e.g. Tickers = {'IBS US Equity', 'BAY LN Equity'}
          Fields = {'NAME', 'Last Price', 'PX_BID', 'PX_ASK'}
     BloombergData = GetBloombergTickBarData({Tickers},Fields, StartDatenum, EndDatenum,BarSize,BarField) 
     returns in a cellarray the Field values for each Ticker
     Tickers needs to be a cellarray with ONLY one ticker
     Fields needs to be a cellarray
     e.g. GetBloombergTickBarData({'NINFO IS Equity'}, 'BID', now-5, now-4, 5, 'Open')
     valid fields are: 
         BID,      MID,       ASK
      BEST_BID,             BEST_ASK
         LAST_PRICE,      VOLUME
     BarSize should be an integer > 0
     BarFields has valid values of
     BloombergData = GetBloombergTickData({Tickers},Fields, StartDatenum, EndDatenum) 
     returns in a cellarray the Field values for each Ticker
     Tickers needs to be a cellarray with ONLY one ticker
     Fields needs to be a cellarray
     e.g. GetBloombergTickData({'NINFO IS Equity'}, 'BID', now-5, now-4)
     valid fields are: 
         BID,      MID,       ASK
      BEST_BID,             BEST_ASK
         LAST_PRICE,      VOLUME
     ValidFields = GetBloombergTickFields(Ticker, DaysBeforeToday)
     valid fields are: 
         BID,      MID,       ASK
      BEST_BID,             BEST_ASK
         LAST_PRICE,      VOLUME
     out = GetCommonDatapoints(Series1, Series2, PivotColumn)
     which are values for the overlapping dates in Series1
     and Series2.  The data is assumed to have datenum in the
     PivotColumn column.  If there are multiple values for a given
     datetime only the first set of values is returned.
     The values are returned sorted by the datetime column [default=1]
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     out = GetConditionalCorrelation(FundReturns, BenchmarkReturns)
     returns a struct:
     by splitting the observations into 2 parts: 
       those periods when the BenchmarkReturns are +ve
       and those when the BenchmarkReturns are -ve
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu   Sep-2004
     CS01 = GetCS01(Recovery, CDSSpread, DiscountRates)
     CDSSpread = 0.02 for 200 bp
     if DiscountRates is a scalar e.g. 0.02 then
     it works out the CS01 assuming a flat yield curve
     using the DiscountRates as the FLAT YIELD by first
     working out the equivalent quarterly discount rates
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu Aug-2003
     ConditionalVaR = GetCVaR(Returns,DIM,alpha)
     returns the Conditional Value at Risk for a
     set of Returns with a critical level given by
     alpha e.g. 0.95 [default]
     CVaR = E(Loss|Loss > critical level)
     DIM = 1 [default] => each column is a security
     DIM = 2           => each row is a security
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 29-March-2002
    CriticalValue = prctile(Returns,(1-alpha)*100);
    Losses = Returns(find(Returns<=CriticalValue));
     [SigmaMatrix, p] = GetErrorStructure(Y,X,MaximumLag,RestrictLag,Threshold)
     returns SigmaMatrix, the error covariance matrix
     and p, the AR(p) of SigmaMatrix based on
     MaximumLag and Threshold
     If RestrictLag=1 then the lag IS forced to be MaximumLag.
     if            =0 [default] there is no forced restriction
     see also:  FGLS, GLS, SPACFP, SACF, SPACF
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu
     first do OLS to get residuals
     function z = GetEWMA(data,lambda)
     replicates http://lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/filter/filewma.htm
     lambda = 0 >> returns original series
            = 1 >> returns zeros
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu Sep-2004
     GainLossRatio = GetGainLossRatio(FundReturns,[ReferenceReturns])
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 5-Feb-2002
     HighSinceLastLowPrice = GetHighSinceLastLowPrice.m(Prices,DIM)
     returns a matrix the same size as Prices but
     with the "low since the last high price" at each tick i.e. row (if DIM=1).
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     see GetLastHighPrice, GetHighSinceLastLowPrice
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 27-Feb-2004
     out = GetItem(CurrentLine, item, delimiter)
     returns the item requested from a delimiter separated
     character string
     e.g. GetItem(a,3,'|') on a = '123|abc|hot,*&L' returns 'hot' 
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu   Jan-2000
     GammaMeasure = GetKeatingShadwick(Returns, NoOfBins)
     calculates the Gamma (risk) measure as defined in the paper
     "A Universal Risk Measure" - Con Keating + William Shadwick
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 11-Feb-2002
     LaggedValues = GetLag(Data, DIM, LagAmount, DefaultValues)
     default: DIM=1; LagAmount=1; DefaultValues=0
     e.g. if  A =
        11    12    13
        21    22    23
        31    32    33
     GetLag(A,1,1,-99) returns
       -99   -99   -99
        11    12    13
        21    22    23%
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu   6th-Sep-2004
     LastHighPrice = GetLastHighPrice(Prices,DIM)
     returns a matrix the same size as LastHighPrice but
     with the "last high price" at each tick i.e. row (if DIM=1).
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     see GetLastLowPrice
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 27-Feb-2004
     LastLowPrice = GetLastLowPrice(Prices,DIM)
     returns a matrix the same size as LastLowPrice but
     with the "last Low price" at each tick i.e. row (if DIM=1).
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     see GetLastHighPrice
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 27-Feb-2004
     BuySellIndicator = GetLeeAndReady(TradePrices)
     works out the BuySellIndicator
     Buy = +1
     Sell = -1
     based on Lee & Ready (1991), Journal of Finance
     using the "tick test".
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 22-Feb-2002
     [OverallBeta, OverallTstat] = GetLitzenbergerRamaswamy(Betas, BetaStdError)
     This code is not checked....
     it returns the overall beta coefficient and its t-stat
     based on Litzenberger & Ramaswamy's GLS technique
     in Journal of Financial Economics (1979)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 16-Feb-2002
     out = GetLogTime(Datetimenumber, formattype)
     returns a string of the format (default = 1)
     4 = YYMMDD
     5 = HHMMSS
     6 = HHMM
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu - 2003
     LowSinceLastHighPrice = GetLowSinceLastHighPrice.m(Prices,DIM)
     returns a matrix the same size as Prices but
     with the "low since the last high price" at each tick i.e. row (if DIM=1).
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     see GetLastLowPrice, GetHighSinceLastLowPrice
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 27-Feb-2004
     NewMaster = GetMergedData(Master, DIM, NewData, KeepValuesOf)
     DIM = 1 (default) => data in columns
         = 2           => data in rows
     both Master and NewData assumed to have same number of fields
     with datetime in the first column (row) if DIM =1 (2).
     Where there are overlapping datetimes e.g. importing some new
     values from NewData into Master where some already exist in Master
     then KeepValuesOf = 0 << retains Master's values
      or  KeepValuesOf = 1 << uses NewData's values
     note: the results are sorted by the Datetime i.e. 1st column (row)
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     Results = GetMergedDataStats(Master, DIM, NewData, KeepValuesOf)
     returns descriptive statistics of the results of the merging process
     GetMergedData (type "help GetMergedData" to see more).
     DIM = 1 (default) => data in columns
         = 2           => data in rows
     both Master and NewData assumed to have same number of fields
     with datetime in the first column (row) if DIM =1 (2).
     Where there are overlapping datetimes e.g. importing some new
     values from NewData into Master where some already exist in Master
     then KeepValuesOf = 0 << retains Master's values
      or  KeepValuesOf = 1 << uses NewData's values
     note: this doesn't actually do the merging but gives you information
              of what would happen if you tried to do it using GetMergedData
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     MonthAndValues = GetMonthlyFundValues(Dates, FundValues)
     returns [Dates FundValues]
     starting with the first date and then the first date of every
     future month, and ending with the last date/value of the series
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu  Sep-2004
     out = GetOrthogonal(X,Y)
     returns that component of X that is orthogonal to Y
     copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-Oct-2003
     Strategy = GetPairsTradingBidAskPrices(BidA, AskA, BidB, AskB, QuantityRatio, PivotColumn, TimeValidFor)
     Long Spread  => Long A  + Short B.*QuantityRatio
     Short Spread => Short A + Long B.*QuantityRatio
     and returns, a struct with fields:
     The datetime is taken to be in PivotColumn [default=1]
     and quotes are matched to be stale after TimeValidFor days
     e.g. for 10 secs [default] use 10/(24*60*60)
     see GetPrevailingDatapoints
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     Results = GetPerformanceStats(Observations)
     Observations.meth = 'forecast':
     and runs GetStatsForecast.  Type "help GetStatsForecast"
     Observations.meth = 'portfolio':
     and runs GetStatsReturns.  Type "help GetStatsReturns"
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 10-Feb-2004
     extended to use multiple methods 7-Sep-2004
     out = GetPrevailingDatapoints(Series1, Series2, TimeValidFor)
     returns a struct with fields:
             .Series11 --___ same number of rows M
             .Series12 --
             .Series21 --___ same number of rows N
             .Series22 --
     which are values for the union of datetimes in Series1
     and Series2.  The data is assumed to have datenum in the
     PivotColumn [default=1] column.  If there are multiple values for a given
     datetime only the first set of values is returned.  The TimeValidFor
     is used to check if a value is valid at a certain time e.g. if Series1
     has a value that is more than TimeValidFor [default=10 seconds] older then it is counted
     as a "dead value" and so for that datetime there is no observation
     and so the result will not contain that datetime.
     The values are returned sorted by the datetime column, PivotColumn
     The datetimes in Series12 and Series 21 are of the original Series2 and Series1
     in case the user wants to check what the original timestamps were.
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     GainLossRatio = GetSharpeRatio(FundReturns,[ReferenceReturns])
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 5-Feb-2002
     Results = GetSimulationResults(Strategy)
     takes in a struct Strategy and returns a struct with results
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 27-Feb-2004
     spotrate = GetSpot(aaj, tabhi)
     returns the United Kingdom spot rate
     on date = aaj 
     a future date = tabhi
     This uses the Bank of England zero coupon yield curve data
     2yr, 2.5yrs, 3yrs..... 24.5yrs, 25yrs
     the XXXXXXXXXXXX  for the
     For maturities > 25yrs, the spot rate for 25yrs is returned.
     written by:  PNath@London.edu  on  19/3/00
     Results = GetStatsForecast(Actual, Expected, Threshold)
     takes your forecast/actual returns and assuming you
     go long (short) if your forecast is greater (less) than
     threshold (-threshold) outputs the simulated results in
     3 segments:
     Short:  Actual < -Threshold
     Hold:  -Threshold < Actual < Threshold
     Long:  Threshold < Actual
     RETURNS Results, a structure
     with fields:
     which contain the stats for each of the short/hold/long
     e.g. Results = GetStatsForecast(randn(1000,1), randn(1000,1), 0.1)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 10-Feb-2004
     Results = GetStatsReturns(Dates, FundValues, Riskfree)
     returns a struct with various summary stats on performance:
     Results.PooruStats see "help PooruStats" to see what this covers
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu  Oct-2004
     StopLossLevel = GetStopLossLevel(LossThreshold, BasePrice, TradeQuantity, LongOrShort)
     e.g. GetStopLossLevel(1000, 20, 500, -1) returns 22
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     StopLossLevelPercent = GetStopLossLevelPercent(LossThreshold, BasePrice, TradeQuantity, LongOrShort)
     e.g. GetStopLossLevelPercent(1000, 20, 500, -1) returns 0.1 (i.e. +10%)
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     StopLossLevelRatio = GetStopLossLevelRatio(LossThreshold, BasePrice, TradeQuantity, LongOrShort)
     e.g. GetStopLossLevelRatio(1000, 20, 500, -1)(1000, 20, 500, -1) returns 1.1
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
     returns the quantity to trade for
     a trade opening at PriceOpen
     where we're happy only to experience a loss of LossThreshold
     which corresponds to a -ve return of StopLossReturn
     e.g. GetTradeQuantity((1000, 20, -0.1) returns 500 contracts
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu
    Results.HighSinceLastLowPrice = HighSinceLastLowPrice;
    Results.LowSinceLastHighPrice = LowSinceLastHighPrice;
     TriggerPoints = GetTriggerMA(Signals,DIM,LongOrShort,Trigger)
     returns a matrix the same size as Signals but
     with the "open trade P&L" at each tick for a
     long or short position.
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     LongOrShort =  1 => interested in long positions
     LongOrShort = -1 => interested in short positions
     The trade is triggered when the Signal is Trigger% above (below)
     the previous low (high) for a long (short) position.
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu Sep-2004
     TriggerPoints = GetTriggerMeanRev(Signals,DIM,LongOrShort,Trigger)
     returns a matrix the same size as Signals but
     with the "open trade P&L" at each tick for a
     long or short position.
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     LongOrShort =  1 => interested in long positions
     LongOrShort = -1 => interested in short positions
     The trade is triggered when the Signal is Trigger percentile above (below)
     the median.
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 1-Sep-2004
     TriggerPoints = GetTriggerStatArb(Signals,DIM,LongOrShort,Trigger)
     returns a matrix the same size as Signals but
     with the "open trade P&L" at each tick for a
     long or short position.
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     LongOrShort =  1 => interested in long positions
     LongOrShort = -1 => interested in short positions
     The trade is triggered when the Signal is Trigger percentile above (below)
     the median.
     see GetOpenTriggerC1
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 1-Sep-2004
     TriggerPoints = GetTrendTrigger(Prices,DIM,LongOrShort,Trigger)
     returns a matrix the same size as Prices but
     with the "open trade P&L" at each tick for a
     long or short position.
     DIM = 1 => each series is down a column [default]
     DIM = 2 => each series is along a row
     LongOrShort =  1 => interested in long positions
     LongOrShort = -1 => interested in short positions
     The trade is triggered when the price is Trigger% above (below)
     the previous low (high) for a long (short) position.
     see GetLastLowPrice
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@London.edu 27-Feb-2004
     WeekAndValues = GetWeeklyFundValues(Dates, FundValues)
     returns [Dates FundValues]
     starting with the first date and then the Friday of every
     future Week, and ending with the last date/value of the series
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu  Sep-2004
     Groups = GroupSummary(Data,DIM,PivotNumber,LookupNumber,Statistic)
     Looks down the PivotNumber column (DIM=2 [default]) or row (DIM=1)
     to create groups based on distinct entries in that column/row
     and then summarises the data in the LookupNumber (default=1)
     column/row by returning for each group the Statistic (default='mean')
          [1     2
           2     4
           3     6
           4     8
           5    10
           6    12
           7    14
           8    16
           9    18
          10    20
           1     2
           2     4
           3     6
           4     8
           5    10
           6    12
           7    14
           8    16
           9    18
          10    20]
     GroupSummary(Data,2,1,2,'sum') returns
         1     4
         2     8
         3    12
         4    16
         5    20
         6    24
         7    28
         8    32
         9    36
        10    40 
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-Jan-2002
     Gunzip(FileToUnzip, [PathOfZipFile])
     performs >> !Gunzip -N FileToUnzip
     on the FileToUnzip in the folder
     PathOfZipFile (default = current working directory)
     see also GUNZIPALL
     Copyright (c):  PNath@London.edu 21-July-2000
     GunzipAll([PathOfZipFiles], [Extension])
     performs >> !Gunzip -N filename
     on all the *.Extension files (default is *.GZ)
     in the folder:
     PathOfZipFiles (default = current working directory)
     see also GUNZIP
     Copyright (c):  PNath@London.edu 21-July-2000
     out = HasNoStar(CurrentString, Star)
     returns 1 if there is no character(=Star) in CurrentString
     returns 0 otherwise
     e.g. HasNoStar(a, '*') on a = '12*34' returns 0 
     e.g. HasNoStar(a, '*') on a = '1234' returns 1
     written by PNath@London.edu
    HISTFIT Histogram with superimposed fitted normal density.
       HISTFIT(DATA,NBINS,[PlotColor]) plots a histogram of the values in the vector DATA.
       using NBINS bars in the histogram. With one input argument, NBINS is set 
       to the square root of the number of elements in DATA. 
       PlotColor default is 'b' (blue)
       H = HISTFIT(DATA,NBINS) returns a vector of handles to the plotted lines.
       H(1) is a handle to the histogram, H(2) is a handle to the density curve.
       Amended by: PNath@London.edu 15-Jan-2002
       B.A. Jones 2-14-95
       Copyright (c) 1993-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 2.7 $  $Date: 1998/05/28 20:13:55 $
    HISTp  Histogram.
       N = HISTp(Y) bins the elements of Y into 10 equally spaced containers
       and returns the number of elements in each container.  If Y is a
       matrix, HIST works down the columns.
       N = HISTp(Y,M), where M is a scalar, uses M bins.
       N = HISTp(Y,X), where X is a vector, returns the distribution of Y
       among bins with centers specified by X.  Note: Use HISTC if it is
       more natural to specify bin edges instead.
       [N,X] = HISTp(...) also returns the position of the bin centers in X.
       HISTp(..., PlotColor) without output arguments produces a histogram bar plot of
       the results using PlotColor { r g b y m c k w }.  This plot color option was
       put in place by PNath@London.edu 24-Dec-2000
       See also HISTC, HIST.
       J.N. Little 2-06-86
       Revised 10-29-87, 12-29-88 LS
       Revised 8-13-91 by cmt, 2-3-92 by ls.
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 5.16 $  $Date: 1998/05/22 15:51:00 $
     [LowerPosition, HigherPosition, EqualFlag] = HypotheticalPosition(DataVector, SearchFor, PositionOption)
     LowerPosition: the position in DataVector of the largest element smaller than SearchFor
     HigherPosition: the position in DataVector of the smallest element larger than SearchFor
     EqualFlag = 1 if there was a perfect match (0 otherwise)
     In cases where there are multiple solutions, the PositionOption can be used to choose
     PositionOption = 1 
        => return the highest/lowest possible value of LowerPosition/HigherPosition 
     PositionOption = 2 
        => return the lowest/highest possible value of LowerPosition/HigherPosition 
     PositionOption = 3 
        => return the highest/highest possible value of LowerPosition/HigherPosition 
     PositionOption = 4 
        => return the lowest/lowest possible value of LowerPosition/HigherPosition 
     e.g  DataVector = [1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 5 6]
          [x y z] = HypotheticalPosition(DataVector, 5.5, 1)
             x = 10
             y = 8
             z = 0
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 14-12-00
     Master = InsertInHeader(Master,Where,VectorToInsert,SortMasterFirst,PivotCellDead)
     Returns Master (array) after inserting in either the top 
     row (Where=1) or the first column (Where=2) the elements of
     VectorToInsert such that columns (Where=1) or rows (Where=2)
     are inserted to maintain an ascending order in the top row (Where=1)
     or first column (Where=2).
     SortMasterFirst = 1 => first ensure that the pivot
                            row/col (Where=1/2) is sorted
           [default] = 0 => don't check [SAVES TIME!]
     PivotCellDead = 1 => the data is in the format
           [     1  2  3  4  5  6  7]
           [101                     ]
           [102                     ]
           [103                     ]
           [104                     ]
           [105                     ]
           [106                     ]
     i.e. there is a pivot cell in the top LHS corner that is of no use
     -- OR --
     PivotCellDead = 0 => the data is in the format
           [ 1  2  3  4 ]      [1          ]
           [            ]      [2          ]
           [            ]      [3          ]
           [            ]  OR  [4          ]
           [            ]      [5          ]
           [            ]      [6          ]
           [            ]      [7          ]
     i.e. there is no pivot cell in the top LHS corner.
     This works also if Master is an empty matrix [].
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-October-2001
     [x, y, xx, yy] = interp1input(x, y, xx, [yy])
     takes dirty input for the interpolation routine
     interp1.m of Matlab and returns clean input.
     The cleaning simply makes sure that there are
     no one-to-many mappings for the x,y variables
     e.g. if there is more than 1 trade at a single time
     The cleaned data returns the last y, and yy, at
     every distinct x and xx.
     [yy] is optional
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 12-July-01
     [Aout, Bout] = Intersection(DIM,A,Apivot,B,Bpivot)
     looks along DIM
     DIM = 1 => common elements expected in cols Apivot and Bpivot [default]
     DIM = 2 => common elements expected in rows Apivot and Bpivot
     and returns the rows (DIM=1) or cols (DIM=2) that have
     a common element in the Apivot/Bpivot position.
     Useful when have two daily stock price histories with some
     different dates missing in both files.  This routine will
     help you create versions of the histories that are common
     to both stocks.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 13-June-2002
     out = InvertStockPrices(MatlabStockFormat)
       returns the stock price tree in the usual
       finance format i.e. with out(node,time)
     Copyright:  PNath@London.edu  16/6/00
     ItIs = IsDelayLongNuff(ReferenceTime,SecondsToPause,TimeStepCounter,BufferTime)
     returns 1 (else 0) if elapsed time, ElapsedTime, since ReferenceTime
      SecondsToPause*TimeStepCounter < ElapsedTime < SecondsToPause*TimeStepCounter + BufferTime 
     This is an ideal indicator to decide if e.g. need to backup a file
     because 10min have passed since the program commenced.
     ReferenceTime = start time of loop (place outside the loop)
     TimeStepCounter = loop counter from 1...
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 18-Nov-02
     out = isnegative(Matrix)
      1 = where the element is -ve
      0 = elsewhere
     see also ISPOSITIVE
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 21-Jan-2001
     out = ispositive(Matrix)
      1 = where the element is +ve
      0 = elsewhere i.e. 0 or -ve
     see also ISNEGATIVE
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 21-Jan-2001
     IsSignificant(UpperBound, LowerBound)
     returns 1 if the estimate (not required as an argument
     to the function) is signficant
     returns 0 otherwise
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 29-10-2000
     JBpvalue = JarqueBera(Variable)
     returns the p-value of the Jarqu-Bera
     test of Normality.
     NOTE: a low p-value (e.g. 0.03) => NOT Normal
           a high p-value (e.g. 0.1) => Normal
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 25-Jan-2001
     JumbledMatrix = Jumble(MatrixToJumble,[DIM])
     returns JumbledMatrix containing the same elements
     of MatrixToJumble but with the elements moved around randomly.
     DIM (optional) specifies the dimension along which you want the
     jumbling done.  If left out, it returns a matrix with all the elemens
     jumbled by first randomising the order across the columns and then
     across the rows (DIM=1)
     see also RAND, SORT, SORTROWS
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 12-Jan-2001
    KEEP keeps the base workspace variables of your choice and clear the rest.
         CALL: keep var1 var2 var3 ...
     Yoram Tal 5/7/98    yoramtal@internet-zahav.net
     MATLAB version 5.2
     Based on a program by Xiaoning (David) Yang
     15/9/99 Bug fix - empty delete sring (due to Hyrum D Johnson)
     Find variables in base workspace
     out = Left(StringIn, ReturnSoMany)
     works similarly to Excel's LEFT() function by
     returning the part of StringIn starting at the
     leftmost character and including ReturnSoMany characters
     If you ask for too many characters i.e. more than 
     exist in StringIn, it will return StringIn
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-12-2000
     out = linelengths(fid)
     outputs to the screen the lengths of lines in file Filename
     see also FILELENGTH
    Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 9-12-2000
     AveragedSeries = MA(TimeSeries, p, DIM)
     returns MA(p) for the TimeSeries
     User may specify:
       DIM (default = 1) i.e. data in rows
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 22-January-2001
     out = MAE(Actual, Expected)
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 30-July-2000
     does not return ANYTHING!
     It writes an html file specified by ContentsFilename (e.g. ContentsFilename='Utilities.html')
     to the path DestinationPath (e.g. DestinationPath='G:\Website')
     containing the names of the m-files in SourcePath (e.g. SourcePath='E:\Matlab\Utilities')
     with a PageTitle at the top (e.g. PageTitle = 'Utilities m-files by PNath.PhD98@London.edu')
     and creates hyperlinks with the parent url given by 
     URLPath e.g. URLPath = 'http://phd.london.edu/pnath/matlab/utilities/'
     and leaves space between m-files specified by BlankLinesBetween (e.g. BlankLinesBetween=3)
       HideHelp=1 will hide the help text inside each m-file
       HideHelp=0 will also show all help lines begining with "%" immediately
                  after the header line in your code
     If HideHelp=0 then ShowPercent=1 => shows the % in the help text
                        ShowPercent=0 => hides the % in the help text
     Note: This code is "clever" and will only work upto the first set of % it sees
     so make sure your help code is at the top but don't worry about it showing 
     comments within the body of your code.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 10th January 2002
     amended: 4-Jan-2005
     out = MAPE(Actual, Expected)
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 30-July-2000
    MEAN0p   Average or mean value excluding the values that are zero.
       adapted from standard Mean(x, dim) of Matlab
       by PNath@London.edu [Copyright(c) 18-Dec-2000]
       and works for 1D and 2D arrays (not checked for 3D).
       type >> help mean     for more details
       Example: If X = [0 1 2
                        3 4 5]
       then mean(X,1) is [3 2.5 3.5] and mean(X,2) is [1.5
       See also MEAN, MEDIAN, STD, MIN, MAX, COV.
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 5.13 $  $Date: 1997/11/21 23:23:55 $
     DistanceMeasure = MeanSquareDistance(Series1, Series2, DIM, NoOverlapFlag)
     if DIM = 1 [default] i.e. each series is in a column
     assumes that each SeriesX data of the form
     [Time Data] i.e. Series1=[Time1 Data1] and Series2=[Time2 Data2]
     and then returns the Mean Squared Distance between
     Data1 and Data2 where these two series overlap in Time1/2.
     The Mean Square Distance is computed by first standardising
     (see "standardise.m") and then computing the mean of the squared
     difference between the 2 series.
     if DIM = 2 i.e. each series is in a row
     assumes that each SeriesX data of the form
     [Time]              [Time1]             [Time2]
     [Data] i.e. Series1=[Data1] and Series2=[Data2]
     and then returns the Mean Squared Distance between
     Data1 and Data2 where these two series overlap in Time1/2.
     The Mean Square Distance is computed by first standardising
     (see "standardise.m") and then computing the mean of the squared
     difference between the 2 series.
     This function is ideal for when you have two different time-series
     that do not overlap in time perfectly and you want the distance 
     based on the sub-samples that do overlap e.g. for doing "pairs trading".
     If there happens to be no overlap in time, the NoOverlapFlag (default=999999)
     chosen by the user is returned.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 26-November-2002
     SingleSeries = MergeIntraDayBins(ThreeDSeries, SecurityNeeded, Skip)
     Works on a ThreeDSeries which has intra-day
     time-series (e.g. security prices)down columns and
     for the security in each column, the day's split of
     time-intervals is along the 3rd dimension.
     So, for example, for 5 securities over 100 days and 8 one-hour
     intervals ThreeDSeries is of size   100 x 5 x 8
     The problem that MergeIntraDayBins solves is recombining
     the time bins for SecurityNeeded which are along the
     3rd dimension into a single series which progresses through
     time both intraday and interday.  The SingleSeries returned is
     in a single column.
     Skip (default = 0) helps the user target either bid or ask
     prices, e.g. where even sheets in the 3rd dimension have bid
     prices and odd sheets in the 3rd dimension have ask prices.
         Skip = 1 => use odd sheets
         Skip = 2 => use even sheets
         Skip = 0 => use all sheets (e.g. if ThreeDSeries has midquotes)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-Feb-2001
     out = Mid(StringIn, StartAt, ReturnSoMany)
     works similarly to Excel's MID() function by
     returning the part of StringIn starting at StartAt
     and including ReturnSoMany characters
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-12-2000
     MirrorImage = Mirror(Matrix, DIM)
     returns the mirror image (i.e. flipped)
     along the dimension DIM (= 1, 2 or 3).
     e.g. a =  1     2     3     4
              100    99    98    97
     Mirror(a,1) returns
            100    99    98    97
             1     2     3     4
     whereas, Mirror(a,2) returns
             4     3     2     1
            97    98    99   100
     see also: FLIP
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 29-Dec-2000
    MKCONTNT Make new contents.m file in the current working directory
    Copies the H1 line (first comment line) of all m-files found
    in the current working directory to a file named "contents.m".
    If such a file already exists, a backup copy of it is made to
    For example, if the user has written several m-files 
    in the directory C:\MATLAB\MY_MFILES, he needs to make this the
    current working directory (using either CD or the path browser) 
    and then type "mkcontnt" at the Matlab prompt.
    It is important to note that any fancy editing done to a previous 
    version of contents.m will be lost. Only the top two lines from the
    old version are copied to the new version, but that number can easily
    be increased by minor modifications to the code. Use the top few
    lines of your contents.m files to describe in general terms what kinds 
    of tasks are performed by your m-files.
    Take the habit of writing informative H1 lines!!!  
    Tested with Matlab 5.2.1 for Windows 95
    Author: Denis Gilbert, Ph.D., physical oceanography
    Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    email: gilbertd@dfo-mpo.gc.ca  
    August 1998; Last revision: December 07, 1998 
     TimeSeriesMA = MovingAverage(TimeSeries,DIM,AveragingPeriod,ZerosIn)
     returns the moving average of TimeSeries using an averaging
     window of length AveragingPeriod [default = 1].
     TimeSeries is assumed to have each timeseries along dimension
     DIM = 1 i.e. each series is in a column [default]
     DIM = 2 i.e. each series is along a row
     Works for TimeSeries input upto 3-D
     The entries/size of the array returned depend on
     ZerosIn = 0 => the last AveragingPeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 1 => the first AveragingPeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 2 => [default] the results have AveragingPeriod number of
                    rows(cols) less
             = 3 => the last AveragingPeriod number of rows(cols) are the same as TimeSeries
             = 4 => the first AveragingPeriod number of rows(cols) are the same as TimeSeries
     see also: MovingVariance, MovingSum
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu  13-Nov-2000
                    improved version  1-Nov-2001
                    ZerosIn (3,4) on  25-Aug-2004
     TimeSeriesMA = MovingAverageForward(TimeSeries,DIM,AveragingPeriod,ZerosIn)
     returns the moving average of TimeSeries using a forward looking averaging
     window of length AveragingPeriod [default = 1].
     TimeSeries is assumed to have each timeseries along dimension
     DIM = 1 i.e. each series is in a column [default]
     DIM = 2 i.e. each series is along a row
     Works for TimeSeries input upto 3-D
     The entries/size of the array returned depend on
     ZerosIn = 1 => the last AveragingPeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 0 => the first AveragingPeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 2 => [default] the results have AveragingPeriod number of
                    rows(cols) less
     see also: MovingVariance, MovingSum, MovingAverage
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu  8-Mar-2002
     TimeSeriesMA = MovingSum(TimeSeries,DIM,SummingPeriod,ZerosIn)
     returns the moving sum of TimeSeries using a summing
     window of length SummingPeriod [default = 1].
     TimeSeries is assumed to have each timeseries along dimension
     DIM = 1 i.e. each series is in a column [default]
     DIM = 2 i.e. each series is along a row
     Works for TimeSeries input upto 3-D
     The entries/size of the array returned depend on
     ZerosIn = 0 => the last SummingPeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 1 => the first SummingPeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 2 => [default] the results have SummingPeriod number of
                    rows(cols) less
     see also: MovingVariance, MovingAverage
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu  22-January-2002
     TimeSeriesMA = MovingVariance(TimeSeries,DIM,VariancePeriod,ZerosIn)
     returns the moving variance of TimeSeries using a rolling
     window of length VariancePeriod [default = 1].
     TimeSeries is assumed to have each timeseries along dimension
     DIM = 1 i.e. each series is in a column [default]
     DIM = 2 i.e. each series is along a row
     Works for TimeSeries input upto 3-D
     The entries/size of the array returned depend on
     ZerosIn = 0 => the last VariancePeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 1 => the first VariancePeriod number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 2 => [default] the results have VariancePeriod number of
                    rows(cols) less
     see also: MovingAverage, MovingSum
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu  Dec-2001
     HitPositions = MovingWindowFilter(Data,DIM,Window,Condition,Direction)
     returns a matrix, HitPositions, of the same size as Data
     with 1 or 0 in each position depending on whether the 
     * Condition [default = '==0'] is satisfied
     * along a certain DIM [default = 2]
     * over a certain Window [default = 1]
     * looking backward (Direction = -1 [default])
       or forward (Direction = 1)
       or both (Direction = 0)
     The aim of this poweful function is best explained by example:
     e.g. mark those positions with 1 where the stock price
     on previous days was below a certain level
     e.g. mark those positions with 1 where the stock price
     on following days was above a certain level
     e.g. mark those positions with 1 where the stock price
     on previous and following days was within a certain band
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 9-Feb-2001
     out = MPE(Actual, Expected)
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 30-July-2000
       MSCAN     Version 1.0 Copyright (C) Peter Rydester 1998-12-13
                 This makes your m-files look better and helps
                 you find non matching for,if,while,try,else,end
                 Tested with matlab 5.x 
       mscan name option
                 name is filename with/without path and can also
                 hold wildcard (*) to work on multiple files. If an
                 optional string argument with an 'r' in is added
                 it will work on ALL sub directories.
                 Updates m-files, replaces tabs with spaces and
                 indents for block structures. Also fixes end of
                 line:       windows (^M ) <--> unix
                 It works with wildcards and can
                 Use with care. Backup your m-files first!
     Example 1:
                 mscan /home/mrxx/matlab/*.m  r
             Converts all *.m files in the path and sub
             derectories.( Optional r.)
     Example 2:
                 mscan test*.m
             Converts all m-files beginning with 'test' in
             current dir. No sub directories.
     Comment by PNath@London.edu:
     To change tabsize for indent or case (e.g. to set it to be the same
     as your editor, change the variables tbsize and casesub.
      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
      as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
      of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      GNU General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
      02111-1307, USA.
      Please send me an e-mail if you use this: 
     FullName = NameNSE(StringPart, StockNumber, StockDigits, DayNumber, DayDigits)
     returns a string FullName that has 3 parts
     with appropriate number of zeros
     preceding the StockNumber and DayNumber
     in case the StockNumber and DayNumber are smaller
     than 10^StockDigits and 10^DayDigits
     e.g. NameNSE('xyz', 98, 4, 35, 3)
     returns  xyz0098035
     and NameNSE('xyz', 98, 2, 35, 2)
     returns xyz9835
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu
     out = NofCols(InArray)
     returns the number of columns in InArray
     see also NofRows, Width
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-Dec-2000
     out = NofRows(InArray)
     returns the number of rows in InArray
     see also Width, NofCols
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-Dec-2000
     Number2Alpha('number') returns the letter from the
     English alphabet which is in postion 'number'
     Not sensitive to fractions, which are rounded to nearest roundeger.
     If the number is a 29<40, the integer (number-3) is returned
     e.g. Number2Alpha(5) = 'E'
          Number2Alpha(35) = '5'
     see also Alpha2Number
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu
     out = odd(number)
         returns 1 if an odd integer
         returns 0 otherwise
     Copyright:  PNath@London.edu   04-June-2000
     Orders = Order(JumbledMatrix,OrderType,OrderDirection)
     returns a matrix, Orders, of the same size
     as JumbledMatrix with each element of Orders
     containing the ranking of the elements in each
     column of JumbledMatrix.
     e.g. X =  [3:-1:0 1:1:3; 1:1:4 2:1:4]'
     X =
         3     1
         2     2
         1     3
         0     4
         1     2
         2     3
         3     4
     then Order(X) returns a matrix
         6     1
         4     2
         2     4
         1     6
         3     3
         5     5
         7     7
     OrderType = 1 [default] is as above
     OrderType = 2 ranks equal observations by their
                   average rank e.g. for Wilcoxon Sign Test
     OrderDirection = 1 [default] is with the rank(smallest) = 1
     OrderDirection = 2 is with the rank(largest) = 1
     So, Order(X,2,1) returns
        6.5    1
        4.5    2.5
        2.5    4.5
        1      6.5
        2.5    2.5
        4.5    4.5
        6.5    6.5
     whereas, Order(X,2,2) returns
       1.5    7
       3.5    5.5
       5.5    3.5
       7      1.5
       5.5    5.5
       3.5    3.5
       1.5    1.5
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu  19-Dec-2000
          amended: PNath@London.edu  12-Mar-2001
          amended: PNath@London.edu  16-Mar-2001
     PURPOSE: computes Newey-West adjusted heteroscedastic-serial
              consistent Least-squares Regression
              by replacing the column # X2_col of x by
              residuals from running
              x(:,X2_col) = intercept + x(:,X1_col) + residual
     USAGE: results = orth_nwest(y,x,X1_col,X2_col,nlag)
     where: y = dependent variable vector (nobs x 1)
            x = independent variables matrix (nobs x nvar)
         nlag = lag length to use
     RETURNS: a structure
            results.meth  = 'newlyw'
            results.beta  = bhat
            results.tstat = t-stats
            results.yhat  = yhat
            results.resid = residuals
            results.sige  = e'*e/(n-k)
            results.rsqr  = rsquared
            results.rbar  = rbar-squared
            results.dw    = Durbin-Watson Statistic
            results.nobs  = nobs
            results.nvar  = nvars
            results.y     = y data vector
     SEE ALSO: prt_reg(results), plt_reg(results), nwest
     References:  Gallant, R. (1987),
      "Nonlinear Statistical Models," pp.137-139.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 19-Oct-2001
     out = padout(InArray,NoOfPads)
     returns a matrix of size:
     #-rows = size(InArray,1)*NoOfPads
     #-cols = size(InArray,2)
     where the extra rows are replicas of the
     rows in InArray but inserted between the original
     rows (as opposed to repmat, which does it around
     the original array.
     e.g. InArray = [1 2 3
                     4 5 6]
     then padout(InAray,3) returns
     [1 2 3
      1 2 3
      1 2 3
      4 5 6
      4 5 6
      4 5 6]
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 27-10-2000
     out = PadZero(A,B,DIM,PadWith)
     returns A in a matrix of the 
     same size as B, but with the
     extra spaces (if A smaller than B
     along DIM{default=1}) filled in with PadWith [default of ZEROs].
        e.g. padzero(rand(2,2),rand(3,3))
     If B happens to be smaller than A
     along any dimension, it doesn't bite.
        e.g. padzero(rand(3,4),rand(3,3))
     Currently works for DIM=1,2,3 but easily extended for DIM>3
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 20-Nov-2001
     results = PanelFGLS (Y, X, NoOfX, MaximumLag,RestrictLag,Threshold)
     Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) estimation
     for the multivariate panel data model
       Y = X*B + E,  mean(E) = 0,  cov(vec(E)) = (s^2)*O
     As usual, each row of Y and X is an observation
     and each column a variable.
     with Y ...  T x NoOfY  
          X ...  T x [NoOfX...dummies + k...X_variables]
          B ...  [NoOfX + k] x NoOfY
          E ...  T x NoOfY
          O ... T*NoOfY x T*NoOfY.
      NoOfX ... [default=1] The user specifies this so that
                the function can work out the dummy variables.
                The supplied X does not need to have the different
                dummies in order, as long as they are in chronological
                order e.g. the code will automatically pick up, the
                observations for the 1st dummy by looking for ones in
                in the first column and maintaining the order of their
                intermittent appearance in the data.
     RESULTS has the structure:
      results.meth  = 'panel_fgls'
      results.beta  = GLS estimator for B.
      results.sige  = GLS estimator for s^2
      results.resid = matrix of GLS residuals
      results.p     = p of AR(p) of residuals from
      results.O     = O
      results.tstat = t-stats
      results.dw    = Durbin-Watson Statistic
     The matrix of autocorrelations O is estimated by this
     function by making calls to SPACFP(X,MaximumLag,Threshold)
     to ascertain the p of AR(p) within the O.
     MaximumLag [default] = 5
     Threshold [default] = 2
     If RestrictLag=1 then the lag IS forced to be MaximumLag.
     if            =0 [default] there is no forced restriction
     see also GLS, SPACFP, FGLS, GetErrorStructure
     Copied from GLS of Copyright (C) 1996 John W. Eaton
     which was originally a part of Octave.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-Oct-2001
     does PAUSE(n) i.e. for n seconds
     and is ideal for using in a loop
     e.g. for downloading prices at regular intervals
     Using the Matlab standard command PAUSE(n) does not
     work well for something like the above example because
     of the non-zero CPU time spent performing even simple
     lines of code.
     This function pauses for the right amount of time so that
     the loop execution commences at regular intervals spaced
     by SecondsToPause.  In order to do this, the user needs to
     ReferenceTime = start time of loop (place outside the loop)
     TimeStepCounter = loop counter from 1...
     see PAUSE, IsDelayLongNuff
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 9-Nov-02
     function PDF = PDFPooru(Returns,NoOfBins)
     returns 2 columns...
        col 1 = bins (upper-end of data bin)
        col 2 = the numerical Probability Distribution Function (PDF)
     ... for the dataseries Returns.
     NoOfBins [default=min(20,length(Returns)]
     and the first bin is always zero.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 11-Feb-2002
     PercentileData = Percentile(Data, PivotColumn, Percent, Bin, StragglersIn)
     returns only those rows that correspond to the Bin# when the
     Data (each row is one observation) is transformed into
     quantiles of Percent using the PivotColumn of Data as the
     column of interest for creating percentile bins.
     This function sorts the data (using PivotColumn) and so the user
     does not need to pre-sort the data before sending it to this
     If there are any deficient rows then
     StragglersIn = 0 puts the deficient rows in the bottom Bin
     StragglersIn = 1 puts the deficient rows in the top Bin
     e.g. X = repmat([1:1:11]',[1 3])
         7     7     7
         8     8     8
         9     9     9
     whereas, Percentile(X,1,0.25,3,0)
         6     6     6
         7     7     7
         8     8     8
     see also PRCTILE, QUANTILE
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 25-12-2000
     will return the elements of y
     replicated by the number of times
     as indicated in the vector x
     e.g. if y(3) = 7 and x(3) = 4
     then 7 will appear 4 times in the output
     as the third DISTINCT element (after the
     y(1) and y(2) elements).
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 15-Dec-2002
     ConCatStats = PileUpIn3D(FilenameChar, DataSourcePath,...
                         DataDestinationPath, FileToSaveIn, varargin)
     Does not return anything!
     It looks up all files which start with FilenameChar
     in DataSourcePath and from each file extracts
     all the variable names specified after the input
     argument, FileToSaveIn, which are in these files.
     It stores these 2-D variables in separate 3-D arrays (each "sheet"
     corresponding to one of the files whose name starts with
     FilenameChar).  It saves these 3-D arrays with the same
     variable names but in 3-D format in DataDestinationPath
     in a filename specified by FileToSaveIn.
     e.g. PileUpIn3D('TWO', cd, cd,'TWOBIG',...
      look for all filenames beginning with TWO
      load them up one at a time
      from the current working directory (cd)
      and from each pick the 4 variables
      and store each in 4(four) 3-D arrays called by the
      same names and save these 3-D arrays in
      a file called TWOBIG.mat in the
      current working directory (cd)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 5th-August-2001
     VariableStats = PooruStats(Variable)
     RETURNS (for Variable): a structure
     VariableStats.NoOfDataPoints  = prod(size(Variable));
     VariableStats.Minimum         = min(Variable);
     VariableStats.Maximum         = max(Variable);
     VariableStats.Median          = median(Variable);
     VariableStats.Mean            = mean(Variable);
     VariableStats.StdDev          = std(Variable);
     VariableStats.Variance        = var(Variable);
     VariableStats.Skewness        = skewness(Variable);
     VariableStats.Kurtosis        = kurtosis(Variable);
     VariableStats.StdError        = VariableStats.StdDev./sqrt(VariableStats.NoOfDataPoints);
     VariableStats.TStat           = VariableStats.Mean./VariableStats.StdError;
     VariableStats.PValue          = 1-tcdf(abs(VariableStats.TStat),VariableStats.NoOfDataPoints-1);
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 22-Dec-2000
     ReturnsMatrix = Price2Returns(PriceMatrix,DIM,Horizon,ReturnsType,ZerosIn,ErrorFlag)
     gives you the ReturnsMatrix from the PriceMatrix assuming the time
     series data is along dimension DIM (1|2 if each series is in a col|row).
     Returns are calculated over a "Horizon" period (e.g. 5 days)
     for each day of the sample period.
     ReturnsType = 0 does "simple return" {P(t)/P(t-1) - 1}
                 = 1 does "continuously compounded return" ln{P(t)/P(t-1)}
     ZerosIn = 0 => the last Horizon number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 1 => the first Horizon number of rows(cols) are zero
             = 2 => [default] the results have Horizon number of
                    rows(cols) less
     Also note:
     - size(ReturnsMatrix) is the same as size(PriceMatrix)
     - errors (e.g. division by zero) are cleaned
       and set to ErrorFlag [default=zero] automatically.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 31-Dec-2000
     RandomizedData = Randomize(Data,DIM,WithReplacement)
     if Data has (e.g. time-series) observations along
     dimension DIM (e.g. DIM=2 => each row is an observation
     and the observations are along columns i.e. DIM=2 [default])
     then the RandomizedData is drawn from Data.
     WithReplacment = 1 => with replacement [default]
     WithReplacment = 0 => without replacement
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 16-December-2001
     WithoutOutliers = RemoveOutliers(DirtyData, Threshold, DIM, DirtIn)
     returns WithoutOutliers by cleaning DirtyData
     The cleaning process:
      - works along dimension DIM (default = 2 i.e. data in columns)
      - for column/row DirtIn (default = 1 i.e. first column/row)
      - throws out rows/columns with observation greater than
          Threshold * StandardDeviations away from the Mean
     e.g. RemoveOutliers(DirtyData, 3) will work on the first
          column and throw away all rows that are more than
          3 standard deviations from the mean, returning the
          "cleaned" array.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 3-May-2001
     WithoutOutliers = RemoveOutliersStd(DirtyData, Threshold, DIM, DirtIn)
     returns WithoutOutliers by cleaning DirtyData
     The cleaning process:
      - works along dimension DIM (default = 2 i.e. data in columns)
      - for column/row DirtIn (default = 1 i.e. first column/row)
      - throws out rows/columns with observation greater than
          Threshold * StandardDeviations away from the Mean
     e.g. RemoveOutliers(DirtyData, 3) will work on the first
          column and throw away all rows that are more than
          3 standard deviations from the mean, returning the
          "cleaned" array.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 3-May-2001
     ReshapedVector = reshapep(Matrix) 
     takes any Matrix and squeezes it into a long
     vector, ReshapedVector.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 27-Dec-2000
     out = Right(StringIn, ReturnSoMany)
     works similarly to Excel's RIGHT() function by
     returning the part of StringIn starting at the
     rightmost character and including ReturnSoMany characters
     If you ask for too many characters i.e. more than 
     exist in StringIn, it will return StringIn
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-12-2000
     out = RMSE(Actual, Expected)
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 30-July-2000
     out = RMSPE(Actual, Expected)
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 30-July-2000
     out = Roundp(Data, DecimalPlaces, RoundType)
     rounds Data to the DecimalPlaces [default=0] specified
     in the format RoundType (string):
         'round' => Round towards nearest integer
         'floor' => Round towards minus infinity
         'ceil'  => Round towards plus infinity
         'fix'   => Round towards zero
     e.g. RoundP(33.123456,4,'floor') returns 33.1235
     see also DecimalPlace, DecimalDigits, ROUND, FLOOR, CEIL, FIX, ROUNDOFF
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 8-June-2001
     Saves current variables in a delineated ASCII file:
     variable names 1st, horizontally, with data for each below the name.
     Usage/Input:  save_ascii(loadname,savename,dataformat,delineator);
         -"loadname" = filename of the *.mat file to save as ASCII
         -"savename" = filename to save this text output to
         -"dataformat" = format of 'double array' data (e.g. '%6f' for
         six digit fixed-point notation)
         -"delineator" = what to delineate data blocks with (e.g. '\t' for tab)
     eg. save_ascii('data.mat','textfile.txt','%6f','\t');
     Limitations:  This script can only handle two data types: 'char' and
     'double', where the 'char' types can only be one dimensional
     (e.g. size = 1X15), and the 'double array's can be one or two dimensional
     (e.g. sizes = 52X1, 1X52, or 30X344).
     Notes:  Since this saves the matrices as they exist, I suggest keeping one
     dimensional arrays in columnar form, so they get saved that way.  For
     example, ensure the size is 52X1, not 1X52, as the latter will get saved
     as a row of data, not as a column (this doesn't apply to char arrays).
             Loops within loops, whew.  Perhaps this isn't the most elegant way
     to do this, but it works.  It can be quite time consuming on even
     moderately sized files.  Also expect a large change in size as this file
     changes from binary to ASCII.
     The 'loadname' file cannot contain the following variables:
     bl, c, dataformat, delineator, fid, i, j, loadname, perdone, r,
     savename, & vrbls
     Variables will be saved in alphabetical order; the same order as they
     appear with the command 'whos'.
     Output: Text file of name input as 'savename'.
     load data.mat
      Name              Size         Bytes  Class
      box               2x2             32  double array
      col               4x1             32  double array
      row               1x4             32  double array
      text              1x4              8  char array
     Then, if open 'textfile.txt' in a spreadsheet:
     | box |     | col | row |     |     |     | text |
     |  1  |  2  |  1  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  | test |
     |  3  |  4  |  2  |     |     |     |     |      |
     |     |     |  3  |     |     |     |     |      |
     |     |     |  4  |     |     |     |     |      |
     see also: save
     Author: Kirk Ireson, 28 Feb 1999 (kireson@ucsd.edu)
     Tested on Matlab v. 
     Copyright (c) Kirk Ireson,
                   Marine Life Research Group,
                   Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
                   University of California, San Diego
     Permission is granted to modify and re-distribute this
     code in any manner as long as this notice is preserved.
     All standard disclaimers apply.
     Please notify me if you find this script useful, it's nice to get
     [Eta, EtaTstat, RSquare, HalfLife, XNobs] = SevenBetaMeanReversion(TimeSeriesMatrix3D,Boundaries,Stack)
     returns the mean reversion coefficients Eta (7x1 col vector)
     the implied half lives (7x1 col vector) HalfLife
     for a "seven beta" mean reversion model.
     Also returns the t-stat of Eta: EtaTstat (7x1 col vector)
     as well as the number of observations in each "band" in XNobs
     Delta_I(t) = a + Eta1*I(t-1)+ Eta2*I(t-1)+ Eta3*I(t-1)
                    + Eta4*I(t-1) + Eta5*I(t-1)
                   + Eta6*I(t-1) + Eta7*I(t-1)+ error_term
     assumes TimeSeriesMatrix3D has STANDARDISED INVENTORIES in
      Days(rows) x Gilts(cols) x MarketMakers (sheets)
     the 7-betas are defined by Boundaries (1x6) or (6x1)
     e.g. Boundaries = [-2 -1 -0.5 0.5 1  2]
         => Band:1                x < -2*StdDev
            Band:2    -2*StdDev < x < -1*StdDev
            Band:3    -1*StdDev < x < -0.5*StdDev
            Band:4  -0.5*StdDev < x < +0.5*StdDev
            Band:5  +0.5*StdDev < x < +1*StdDev
            Band:6    +1*StdDev < x < +2*StdDev
            Band:7    +2*StdDev < x
     Stack = 0 => [default] return individual gilt figures
           = 1 => stack all gilts/GEMMs
     Does Newey-West with 5 lags.
     >> x = [0.01:0.001:100];
     >> [E,Et,RSq,HL] = SevenBetaMeanReversion(sin(500*x'),[-1.3 -1 -.5 0.5 1 1.3])
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 4-Mar-2002
    SIGNRANK Wilcoxon signed rank test of equality of means for
    comparing samples of unequal size.
       P = SIGNRANK(X,Y,ALPHA) returns the significance probability
       that the means of two samples, X and Y are equal.
       X and Y need not be vectors of equal length. ALPHA is the desired
       level of significance. and must be a scalar between
       zero and one.
       [P, H] = SIGNRANK(X,Y,ALPHA) also returns the result of the 
       hypothesis test, H. H is zero if the difference in means of
       X and Y is not significantly different from zero. H is one if
       the two means are significantly different. 
       P is the probability of observing a result equally or more 
       extreme than the one using the data (X and Y) if the null  
       hypothesis is true. If P is near zero, this casts doubt on
       this hypothesis.
       Currently works for sample sizes > 25.
     see also SIGNRANK, RANKSUM
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 12-Mar-2001
     StockPrice = SimulateFutureARMAprices(StartPrice,SigmaVol,ARp,MAq,NoOfSimulations,DeltaT,NoOfTimeSteps, RiskFreeRate)
     returns simulated security prices starting at StartPrice
     and going forward in time, where the underlying process
     of the security is ARMA(p,q)
     where p and q are the lengths of vectors ARp and MAq containing the coefficients of the
     AR and MA parts.
      S(t) = ARp(1)S(t-1) + ARp(2)S(t-2) + ARp(3)S(t-3)+...+ARp(p)S(t-p) + SigmaVol.dZ
     The StockPrices returned is an array with
     - # cols = NoOfTimeSteps + 1
     - the first column = StartPrice
     - # rows = NoOfSimulations
     The simulation is done using the antithetic variable technique
     and thus ensures that both the LHS and RHS halves of the normal
     distribution are covered.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 3-Jan-2002
     StockPrices = SimulateFutureARprices(a0, ARp, x0, SigmaVol, NoOfSimulations, NoOfTimeSteps)
     returns simulated security prices where the underlying process
     of the security is ARMA(p)
     where p is the length of the vectors ARp containing the coefficients of the AR part.
      S(t) = a0 + ARp(1)S(t-1) + ARp(2)S(t-2) + ARp(3)S(t-3)+...+ARp(p)S(t-p) + SigmaVol.dZ
     x0 are the initialization values corresponding to each ARp so as to give the first
     simulated value S(1) = a0 + ARp(1)x0(1) + ARp(2)x0(2) + ARp(3)x0(3) +...+ARp(p)x0(p) + SigmaVol.dZ
     e.g. SimulateFutureARprices(0.1, [0.2; 0.3], [0; 0], 0.2, 50, 50)
     The StockPrices returned is an array with
     - # cols = NoOfTimeSteps
     - # rows = NoOfSimulations
     The simulation is done using the antithetic variable technique
     and thus ensures that both the LHS and RHS halves of the normal
     distribution are covered.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 26-Nov-2003
       = SimulateFutureGBMprices(StartPrice, SigmaVol, ...
          NoOfSimulations, DeltaT, NoOfTimeSteps, RiskFreeRate)
     returns simulated security prices starting at StartPrice
     and going forward in time, where the underlying process
     of the security is Geometric Brownian Motion
              dS = mu.dt + sigma.dZ
     here: dStockPrice = RiskFreeRate.DeltaT + SigmaVol.dZ
     The StockPrices returned is an array with
     - # cols = NoOfTimeSteps + 1
     - the first column = StartPrice
     - # rows = NoOfSimulations
     The simulation is done using the antithetic variable technique
     and thus ensures that both the LHS and RHS halves of the normal
     distribution are covered.
     e.g. SimulateFutureGBMprices(1, 0.4, 10, 0.25, 50, 0.03)
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 19-July-2001
     Revised to transpose: pnath.phd98@london.edu 27-Feb-2004
     StockPrices = SimulateFutureMAprices(MAq, SigmaVol, NoOfSimulations, NoOfTimeSteps)
     returns simulated security prices where the underlying process
     of the security is ARMA(q)
     where q is the length of the vectors MAq containing the coefficients of the AR part.
      S(t) = a0 + MAq(1)S(t-1) + MAq(2)S(t-2) + MAq(3)S(t-3)+...+MAq(q)S(t-q) + SigmaVol.dZ
     e.g. SimulateFutureMAprices([0.2; 0.3], 0.2, 50, 50)
     The StockPrices returned is an array with
     - # cols = NoOfTimeSteps
     - # rows = NoOfSimulations
     The simulation is done using the antithetic variable technique
     and thus ensures that both the LHS and RHS halves of the normal
     distribution are covered.
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 26-Nov-2003
     [Eta, EtaTstat, RSquare, HalfLife] = SingleBetaMeanReversion(TimeSeriesMatrix,[Type])
     returns the mean reversion coefficients, Beta
     and the Intercept [Intercept Beta] in Eta
     Eta = #MM x 2
     the implied half lives (row vector) HalfLife
     for a "single beta" mean reversion model
     Delta_I(t) = a + Eta * I(t-1) + error_term
     If Type
       = 'pooled' [default] then you get intercept dummies
          and a common slope (i.e. mean reversion coeff/ half life)
       = 'separate' then you get separate estimates for each MM
       = 'compare' then you get each MM compared with the others
         note: in this case the TimeSeriesMatrix should contain
         two series in a cellarray: 
                TimeSeriesMatrix{1,1} and
     Does Newey-West with 5 lags.
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 16-Nov-2000
     out = SortAlphabetically(OriginalList)
     sorts the character strings defined in OriginalList
     by pure alphabetical order WITHOUT treating upper
     and lower case differently and returns the sorted
     list in the ORIGINAL case format i.e. without
     converting any of the lower cases to upper or
     vice versa.
     Useful example:  x = DirDotExt('.m')
                      x = SortAlphabetically(x)
       will return the m-files in the current working
       directory in alphabetical order treating
       abdallah.m as coming before Bahrain.m which
       is treated as coming before calcutta.m
     see also: SortStringArray
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu
     SortedStrings = SortStringArray(StringArray)
     sorts StringArray
     e.g a = [xyz abc lmn]
     SortStringArray(a) returns [abc lmn xyz]
     see also: SortAlphabetically
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-12-2000
     PURPOSE: find sample partial autocorrelation coefficients
     USAGE: result = spacf(TimeSeries,MaximumLag,Threshold)
     where: TimeSeries = a time-series (need not have mean zero)
            MaximumLag = [default=5] # sample partial autocorr to compute
            Threshold = [default=2] for ascertaining p in AR(p)
        result as a structure
           result.SPACF = an MaximumLag x 1 vector of sample pacf's
           result.Threshold = a MaximumLag x 2 vector of Thresholds used
           result.pMost = largest p of AR(p) such that p>Threshold
           result.pMax = is the p of AR(p) with the largest abs(SPACF(p))
     SEE ALSO: sacf, spacf
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-Oct-2001
     out = sql(SQLscript)
     uses AIM Production (server) to
     run the SQLscript and return the
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu 26-Apr-2004
     out = sqld(SQLscript)
     uses AIM Production (server) to
     run the SQLscript and return the
     results in a double array rather than cellarray
     USE THIS ONLY when you KNOW the results are purely numeric.
     Copyright(c): PNath.PhD98@london.edu 26-Apr-2004
     StandardisedData = Standardise(DataToStandardise, StartForStd,StepForStd, SubtractMean)
     returns the DataToStandardise in a standardised format by
     dividing by the standard deviation of the data sampled starting at
     StartForStd, and taking every StepForStd.  The (time-series) data
     is assumed to be in columns.
     The mean of the data is subtracted if
     SubtractMean = 1
     and the mean is not subtracted if
     SubtractMean <> 1
     if the input numbers are all zeros, then the output is zero
     if the ouput has any Inf or Nan they are set to zero too
     see also STANDARDISEMA
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 7-Nov-2000
     StandardisedData = StandardiseMA(DataToStandardise, DIM, StartForStd,StepForStd, AveragingPeriod)
     returns the DataToStandardise in a standardised format by
     first subtracting the MovingAverage(DataToStandardise,AveragingPeriod)
     and then dividing by the standard deviation of that Moving Average.
     DataToStandardise is assumed to have each timeseries along dimension
     DIM = 1 i.e. each series is in a column 
     DIM = 2 i.e. each series is along a row
     DataToStandardise is assumed to have the timeseries in columns 
     e.g. if DataToStandardise is 3-D then time is assumed to progress along DIM=2
     Data is sampled (for the MovingAverage) starting
     at StartForStd, and taking every StepForStd.
     Note: the first MovingAverage rows will be zeros
     see also STANDARDISE
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 7-Nov-2000
     out = Str2Double(String)
     returns the following large number for a String argument:
    	String = 9127946F6
    	doubleString = double(String)
    	= 57    49    50    55    57    52    54    70    54
    	out = 54,070,054,052,057,055,050,049,057
     written by PNath@LBS.ac.uk
     out = Str2Doublep(String)
     returns the following large number for a String argument:
    	String = 9127946F6
    	doubleString = double(String)
    	= 57    49    50    55    57    52    54    70    54
    	out = 54,070,054,052,057,055,050,049,057
     written by PNath@LBS.ac.uk
    STR2NUM Convert string matrix to numeric array.
       X = STR2NUM(S) converts a character array representation of a matrix of
       numbers to a numeric matrix. For example,
            S = ['1 2'         str2num(S) => [1 2;3 4]
                 '3 4']
       This works exactly like str2num except that an empty string returns a
       0 (zero) rather than [].
       The numbers in the string matrix S should be ASCII character
       representations of a numeric values.  Each number may contain digits,
       a decimal point, a leading + or - sign, an 'e' preceding a power of
       10 scale factor, and an 'i' for a complex unit.
       If the string S does not represent a valid number or matrix,
       STR2NUM(S) returns the empty matrix.
       CAUTION: STR2NUM uses EVAL to convert the input argument, so side
       effects can occur if the string contains calls to functions.  Use
       STR2DOUBLE to avoid such side effects or when S contains a single
       Also spaces can be signficant.  For instance, str2num('1+2i') and 
       str2num('1 + 2i') produce x = 1+2i while str2num('1 +2i') produces
       x = [1 2i].  These problems are also avoided when you use STR2DOUBLE.
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 5.25 $  $Date: 1998/05/12 23:56:38 $
     this function takes s (a string deliminated by tabs, commas, etc.)
      and breaks it up into sub strings stored in y (a cell array of strings)
     spaces are eliminated by the function strcat so these are replaced in the 
      beginning by an underscore. space delimination can be handled, though s
      should be checked for any pre-existing underscrores.
     recovery of the individual elements is by using the char command
     e.g., applying it to a tab deliminated string...
       fields = str2strs('abc	d%*	34_EF	5	s p a c e s')     returns
       'abc'    'd%*'    '34_EF'    '5'    's_p_a_c_e_s'
     and then
       char(fields(3))     returns
     David Malicky  malicky@umich.edu
     replace each space w/ a character that strcat won't miss
    STRCATP Concatenate strings.
       T = STRCAT(S1,S2,S3,...) horizontally concatenates corresponding
       rows of the character arrays S1, S2, S3 etc.  The trailing
       padding ARE NOT ignored.  All the inputs must have the same number of
       rows (or any can be a single string).  When the inputs are all 
       character arrays, the output is also a character array.
       T = STRCAT(S1,S2,...), when any of the inputs is a cell array of 
       strings, returns a cell array of strings formed by concatenating
       corresponding elements of S1,S2, etc.  The inputs must all have
       the same size (or any can be a scalar). Any of the inputs can 
       also be character arrays.
           'RedGreen'    'YellowBlue'
       See also STRVCAT, CAT, CELLSTR.
       AMENDED by PNath@London.edu 24-10-2000 to NOT IGNORE TRAILING BLANKS
       Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
       $Revision: 1.11 $  $Date: 1998/06/23 16:27:06 $
       The cell array implementation is in @cell/strcat.m
    STRIM(S) strip the trailing and leading blanks of a string.
             STRIM(S)is an extension of the MATLAB function DEBLANK(S)
             and removes both leading and trailing blanks from the string S.
     Date 11-08-98
     Written by Stefan Baunack. Please send any bug
     reports or other comments to: s.baunack@ifw-dresden.de.
     total = SumIf(Matrix,Dim,[Condition1],[Condition2],[Condition3])
     works similar to SUMIF in Microsoft Excel
     i.e. it returns the sum of elements along dimension Dim (1 or 2)
     of a 2-D or 3-D Matrix that satisfy between zero and 3 conditions
     DIM = 1 => sums elements down each column
     DIM = 2 => sums elements along each row
     e.g. a = 10*rand(10,10)
        SumNumbersGreaterThan0 = SumIf(a,1,);
        SumNumbersGreaterThan3 = SumIf(a,1,'>3');
        SumNumbersBetween3and8 = SumIf(a,1,'>3','<8');
     see also COUNTIF, SUM, FIND
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 29-Dec-2000
     does surf.m without you having to
     worry about giving x and y axes values
     i.e. just uses a counter 1:N and 1:M
     where Z = M x N
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 6-December-2001
     bqminus = SVaR_Getbqminus(f,DIM,i,epsilon,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     brplus = SVaR_Getbrplus(f,DIM,i,epsilon,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     brplus = SVaR_Getcxie(f,DIM,i,epsilon,k,method,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Deltaijx = SVaR_GetDeltaijx(f,DIM,i,j,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     Deltaijx = f(i,:) - f(j,:)  if DIM = 1
     Deltaijx = f(:,i) - f(:,j)  if DIM = 2
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Lambda_i_epsilonminus = SVaR_GetLambda_i_epsilonminus(f,DIM,i,epsilon,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     those observation numbers where the portfolio return
     is greater than obs # i by not more than epsilon
     DIM = 1 => time-series are down a column
     DIM = 2 => observations are along a row
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Lambda_i_epsilonplus = SVaR_GetLambda_i_epsilonplus(f,DIM,i,epsilon,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     those observation numbers where the portfolio return
     is less than obs # i by not more than epsilon
     DIM = 1 => time-series are down a column
     DIM = 2 => observations are along a row
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Lambdaq = SVaR_GetLambdaq(f,DIM,i,epsilon,q,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     returns all different sets Labmdaik
     f = N x 1
     DIM = 1 => each column is a return series
         = 2 => each row is a return series
     i = 1 x 1
     epsilon = 1 x 1
     q = 1 x 1
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Lambdar = SVaR_GetLambdar(f,DIM,i,epsilon,r,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     returns all different sets Labmdaik
     f = N x 1
     DIM = 1 => each column is a return series
         = 2 => each row is a return series
     i = 1 x 1
     epsilon = 1 x 1
     r = 1 x 1
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Mi = SVaR_GetMi(N,i,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     returns all integers from 1 to N except i
     N = 1 x 1
     i = k x 1
     Mi = N-1 x k
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     PsiZ = SVaR_GetPsi(Z,epsilon,ShowPosition)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
     Thetaik = SVaR_GetThetaik(N,i,k)
     called by Smoothed VaR estimator
     returns all different sets Labmdaik
     N = 1 x 1
     i = 1 x 1
     k = 1 x 1
     Thetaik =      C  x k
     [where C => Combinations]
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 24-March-2002
    TABLE(X) displays the contents of matrix X (real elements only) in the Command Window
             as a table (tab-separated string with precision %13.6e). 
             After marking the data it can tranferred to a spreadsheet by copy-and-paste.
     Date 05-08-99
     Written by Stefan Baunack. Please send any bug
     reports or other comments to: s.baunack@ifw-dresden.de.
     out = Theil(Actual, Expected)
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 30-July-2000
     [Eta, EtaTstat, RSquare, HalfLife, XNobs] = ThreeBetaMeanReversion(TimeSeriesMatrix3D,Boundaries,Stack)
     returns the mean reversion coefficients Eta (3x1 col vector)
     the implied half lives (3x1 col vector) HalfLife
     for a "single beta" mean reversion model.
     Also returns the t-stat of Eta: EtaTstat (3x1 col vector)
     as well as the number of observations in each "band" in XNobs
     Delta_I(t) = a + Eta1*I(t-1)+ Eta2*I(t-1)+ Eta3*I(t-1)+ error_term
     assumes TimeSeriesMatrix3D has STANDARDISED INVENTORIES in
      Days(rows) x Gilts(cols) x MarketMakers (sheets)
     the 3-betas are defined by Boundaries (1x2) or (2x1)
     e.g. Boundaries = [-2 2]
         => Band:1                x < -2*StdDev
            Band:2    -2*StdDev < x < +2*StdDev
            Band:3    +2*StdDev < x
     Stack = 0 => [default] return individual gilt figures
           = 1 => stack all gilts/GEMMs
     Does Newey-West with 5 lags.
     >> x = [0.01:0.001:100];
     >> [E,Et,RSq,HL] = ThreeBetaMeanReversion(sin(500*x'),[-1.3 1.3])
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 25-Jan-2001
     [Eta, EtaTstat, RSquare, HalfLife, XNobs] = TwoBetaMeanReversion(TimeSeriesMatrix3D,Boundaries,Stack)
     returns the mean reversion coefficients Eta (2x1 col vector)
     the implied half lives (2x1 col vector) HalfLife
     for a "two beta" mean reversion model.
     Also returns the t-stat of Eta: EtaTstat (2x1 col vector)
     as well as the number of observations in each "band" in XNobs
     Delta_I(t) = a + Eta1*I(t-1)+ Eta2*I(t-1)+ error_term
     assumes TimeSeriesMatrix3D has STANDARDISED INVENTORIES in
      Days(rows) x Gilts(cols) x MarketMakers (sheets)
     the 2-betas are defined by Boundaries (1x1) or (1x1)
     e.g. Boundaries = [0]
         => Band:1  x <= 0*StdDev
            Band:2       0*StdDev < x
     Stack = 0 => [default] return individual gilt figures
           = 1 => stack all gilts/GEMMs
     Does Newey-West with 5 lags.
     >> x = [0.01:0.001:100];
     >> [E,Et,RSq,HL] = TwoBetaMeanReversion(sin(500*x'),[0])
     Copyright (c): PNath@London.edu 5-Mar-2002
     out = wherenext2(fid, where1, findstring1, AndOr, where2, findstring2, delimiter)
     tells you after how many lines it found "findstring1" And/Or "findstring2"
     at position range startat1 and starat2 respectively
     in the text file with file-id "fid" and delimiter = "delimiter"
     AndOr = & => does an AND search
     AndOr = | => does an OR search
     see also   FindNext, FindNext2, GetItem
     written by:  PNath@London.edu
     out = Width(InArray)
     returns the number of levels in 3rd dimension in InArray
     see also NofRows, NofCols
     Copyright(c): PNath@London.edu 17-Dec-2000
    8?F?R(M{11?{x&?_`?MlWK?뭚J?ByGsd?O~?Y9I-?;VgA?FXu?EH?8??dxK?7?N(D!T?`+?G
    ZIPLOAD   Load compressed data file created with ZIPSAVE
    	[data] = zipload( filename )
    	filename: string variable that contains the name of the 
    	compressed file (do not include '.zip' extension)
    	Use only with files created with 'zipsave'
      PNath says better to use DOS commands, {type help dos}
    	pkzip25.exe has to be in the matlab path. This file is a compression utility 
    	made by Pkware, Inc. It can be dowloaded from:	http://www.pkware.com
    	Or directly from ftp://ftp.pkware.com/pk250c32.exe, for the Windows 95/NT version.
    	This function was tested using 'PKZIP 2.50 Command Line for Windows 9x/NT'
    	It is important to use version 2.5 of the utility. Otherwise the command line below
    	has to be changed to include the proper options of the compression utility you 
    	wish to use.
    	This function was tested in MATLAB Version 5.3 under Windows NT.
    	Fernando A. Brucher - May/25/1999
    		[loadedData] = zipload('testfile');
    ZIPSAVE   Save data in compressed format
    	zipsave( filename, data )
    	filename: string variable that contains the name of the resulting 
    	compressed file (do not include '.zip' extension)
      PNath says better to use DOS commands, {type help dos}
    	pkzip25.exe has to be in the matlab path. This file is a compression utility 
    	made by Pkware, Inc. It can be dowloaded from: http://www.pkware.com
    	This function was tested using 'PKZIP 2.50 Command Line for Windows 9x/NT'
    	It is important to use version 2.5 of the utility. Otherwise the command line below
    	has to be changed to include the proper options of the compression utility you 
    	wish to use.
    	This function was tested in MATLAB Version 5.3 under Windows NT.
    	Fernando A. Brucher - May/25/1999
    		testData = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
    		zipsave('testfile', testData);